J-GLOBAL ID:200901067346338321   Update date: Sep. 25, 2022

Sakamoto Toshiko

サカモト トシコ | Sakamoto Toshiko
Research keywords  (1): Cross-Cultural Studies, Postcolonial, race, gender, sexuality, identity representation, discourse
Papers (20):
  • Sakamoto Toshiko. The Women's Movement and Civil Society in the Transitional Process to Democracy in South Africa. Ritsumeikan Social Sciences Review. 2015. 51. 2. 57-71-57
  • Toshiko Sakamoto. The Women's Movement and Civil Society in the Transitional Process to Democracy in South Africa (1). Ritsumeikan Social Sciences Review. 2015. 51. 1. 255-271-271
  • Sakamoto Toshiko. What are students learning from intercultural education classes?: Aiming to achieve intercultural competence for multicultural society. Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture. 2013. 24. 3. 143-157
  • Toshiko Sakamoto. The South African Reconciliation Commission and Women's Testimonies. Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture. 2011. 23. 2. 83-92
  • Toshiko Sakamoto. Neighbourhood renewal in a multiethnic and multicultural community in London: The Paddington Development Trust and local partnerships in North Westminster (2). Ritsumeikan Social Sciences Review. 2008. 44. 2. 47-65-65
Books (5):
  • 多文化間共修:多様な文化背景をもつ大学生の学び合いを支援する
    Gakubunsha 2017 ISBN:9784762027086
  • ナディン・ゴーディマが描いた南アフリカ社会-人種、ジェンダー、セクシュアリティが交差する国家と家族のポリティクス
    第三書館 2016 ISBN:9784807416059
  • 『痛みと怒り:圧政を生き抜いた女性のオーラル・ヒストリー』
    明石書店 2006 ISBN:4750323314
  • 「過去からのスナップ写真:新しい未来を築くために、過去の痛みを認めること」(Meer, Shamim, “Snapshots from the past: owning past pain to build a new future”
    大阪外国語大学 グローバル・ダイアログ研究会 2005
  • Your World: Global Issues for English Learners
    Pacific Interactive Press 2002 ISBN:4882720361
Lectures and oral presentations  (15):
  • Inter-cultural co-learning: Challenges in the Japanese context
    (東北大学国際共修プロジェクト研究会 2016)
  • Cross-cultural peer learning on campus: Lessons from Australia and Japan
    (European Associaton of International Education, Annual Conference 2015)
  • South Africa's Transition to Democracy in Nadine Gordimer's No Time Like The Present.
    (African Literature Association 41st Annual Conference 2015)
  • Strategy for promoting integration on campus: Networking for institutional commitment
    (The 9th University Administrators' Workshop 2014)
  • Establishing pedagogies for facilitating integration between international and domestic students
    (Japan Association for International Student Education 18th Annual Conference 2013)
Professional career (1):
  • Ph.D. in Literature (School of Oriental and African Studies)
Awards (2):
  • 2015/09 - Japan Student Support Organization EAIE2015 JAFSA推奨セッション
  • 2005/07 - 2004年度立命館大学先進的教育実践賞
Association Membership(s) (2):
Japan Association for African Studies ,  The English Literary Society of Japan
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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