J-GLOBAL ID:200901067532330144
Update date: Sep. 29, 2022
Kitada Hideaki
キタダ ヒデアキ | Kitada Hideaki
Affiliation and department:
旧所属 北海道大学 北海道大学病院 北海道大学医学部歯学部付属病院 口腔系歯科
About 旧所属 北海道大学 北海道大学病院 北海道大学医学部歯学部付属病院 口腔系歯科
Search "旧所属 北海道大学 北海道大学病院 北海道大学医学部歯学部付属病院 口腔系歯科"
Job title:
Research field (1):
Surgical dentistry
Research keywords (2):
Oral Surgery
, 口腔外科学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
Reconstruction of Surgical Defect of Oral cavity resulting from cancer ablation
MISC (5):
KITADA Hideaki, HARADA Shoji, ISHIKAWA Makoto, NOTANI Ken-ichi, FUKUDA Hiroshi, SHINDOH Masanobu. A case of metastasis to the lateral lingual lymph modes in a patient with carcinoma of the tongue detected preoperatively. Journal of Oral Surgery Society of Japan. 1999. 45. 10. 620-622
KITADA Hideaki, HARADA Shoji, ISHIKAWA Makoto, NOTANI Ken-ichi, FUKUDA Hiroshi, SHINDOH Masanobu. A case of metastasis to the lateral lingual lymph nodes in a patient with carcinoma of the tangue detected preoperatively. Japanese Journal of oral and Maxillo facial Surgery. 1999. 45. 10. 620-622
SATO Jun, KITADA Hideaki, NOTANI Ken-ichi, FUKUDA Hiroshi, SHINDOH Masanobu, AMEMIYA Akira. A case of rhabdomyosarcoma in the submandibula gland. Journal of Oral Surgery Society of Japan. 1996. 42. 5. 518-520
KITADA Hideaki, NOTANI Ken-ichi, EBATA Masahiro, FUKUDA Hiroshi, MIURA Hisanori, NAKAMURA Hiroyuki. Postoperative chemotherapy with CDDP and DTIC for oral malignant melanoma. Journal of Oral Surgery Society of Japan. 1995. 41. 4. 315-317
Hideaki KITADA, Ken-ichi NOTANI, Masahiro EBATA, Hiroshi FUKUDA, Hisanori MIURA, Hiroyuki NAKAMURA. Postoperative chemotherapy with CDDP and DTIC for oral maliguant melonoma. Japanese Journal of Oral and Maxill facial Surgery. 1995. 41. 4. 315-317
Education (2):
- 1986 Hokkaido University School of Dental Medicine
- 1986 Hokkaido University Faculty of Dentistry
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本頭頸部腫瘍学会
, 日本口腔科学会
, 日本口腔外科学会
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