J-GLOBAL ID:200901067825862531
Update date: Sep. 28, 2022
Kondo Keiichi
コンドウ ケイイチ | Kondo Keiichi
Affiliation and department:
Former Institution / Organization Shimane University Faculty of Medicine
About Former Institution / Organization Shimane University Faculty of Medicine
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Job title:
Research Associate
MISC (51):
Decreased E-cadherin augments β-catenin nuclear localization: Studies in breast cancer cell lines. Int J Oncol. 2001. 18. 3. 541-548
The novel monoclonal antibody MH8-4 inhibiting cell motility recognizes integrin α3: inverse of its expression with metastases in colon cancer. Int J Oncol. 2001. 18. 1. 89-95
青野 潤, 濱田 泰伸, 横山 彰仁, 近藤 圭一, 河野 修興, 日和田 邦男. 高齢男性に筋肉内腫瘤を形成したサルコイドーシスの1例. ニホン ロウネン イガッカイ ザッシ. 2001. 38. 5. 689-692
Severe inclusion body myositis with interstitial pneumonia. Intern Med. 2001. 40. 9. 940-944
Shunsuke MORI, Hironobu HAMADA, Akihito YOKOYAMA, Nobuoki KOHNO, Keiichi KONDO, Yuji HARA, Hiroyuki KAWATA, Kunio HIWADA. Severe inclusion body myositis with interstitial pneumonia. Intern Med. 2001. 40. 9. 940-944
Books (6):
最新医学社 2001
医薬ジャーナル社 2000
KL-6 as a Serum Marker for Amiodarone-induced Pulmonary Toxicity.
日本内科学会 2000
KL-6 as a Serum Marker for Amiodarone-induced Pulmonary Toxicity.
先端医学社 1998
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