- 1997 - 2015 Study of regenerated chorda tympani nerve and fungiform taste buds in humans
- 1997 - 2015 ヒト鼓索神経と茸状乳頭味蕾の再生に関する研究
- 1997 - 2015 Study of regenerated chorda tympani nerve and fungiform taste buds in humans
- 1999 - 2002 Experimental study on MRP1 expression and its function in the inner ear
- 1999 - 2002 内耳におけるMRP1の発現とその機能に関する研究
- 1999 - 2002 Experimental study on MRP1 expression and its function in the inner ear
- 1995 - 2002 Experimental study on P-glycoprotein expression and its function in the inner ear of mdrla gene knock-out mice
- 1995 - 2002 mdrla遺伝子欠損マウス内耳におけるP-糖蛋白発現様式とその機能に関する研究
- 1995 - 2002 Experimental study on P-glycoprotein expression and its function in the inner ear of mdrla gene knock-out mice
- 1987 - 1997 Electrophysiological and biochemical study on ototoxic mechanism of Cisplatin
- 1987 - 1997 シスプラチンによる耳毒性機序の解明に関する電気生理学的・生化学的研究
- 1987 - 1997 Electrophysiological and biochemical study on ototoxic mechanism of Cisplatin
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