J-GLOBAL ID:200901068899686820   Update date: Feb. 13, 2025

Kawamoto Ken

カワモト ケン | Kawamoto Ken
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Research field  (4): Environmental load reduction/restoration technology ,  Atmospheric and hydrospheric science ,  Geotechnical engineering ,  Recycling systems and society
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (12):
  • 2017 - 2023 ベトナムにおける建設廃棄物の適正管理と建廃リサイクル資材を活用した環境浄化及びインフラ整備技術の開発
  • 2017 - 2020 Mass transport parameter models for bentonite based on the microstructural analysis
  • 2014 - 2019 Heat transfer phenomena and its suitable boundary conditions of geomaterials under cooling and heating process
  • 2010 - 2015 スリランカ廃棄物処分場における地域特性を活かした汚染防止と修復技術の構築
  • 2006 - 2008 Modeling Gas Transport in Soils and its Application to the Environmental Risk Assessment
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Papers (72):
  • Isiri Upeksha Nagasinghe, Takeshi Saito, Takato Takemura, Ken Kawamoto, Toshiko Komatsu, Naoki Watanabe, Yoshishige Kawabe. Applicability of Alkaline Waste and By-products as Low Cost Alternative Neutralizers for Acidic Soils. ISIJ International. 2023. 63. 2. 228-234
  • Mazhar Nazir, Akihiro Matsuno, Takeshi Saito, Ken Kawamoto, Toshihiro Sakaki. Visualization of microstructure and measurement of mass transport parameters for granulated bentonite mixtures. Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication. 2021. 9. 2. 26-30
  • Zafar Muhammad Junaid, Akihiro Matsuno, Takeshi Saito, Huyen Thi-Thanh Dang, Pham Thanh Huyen, Ken Kawamoto. Characterization of hydrophobicity for artificially hydrophobized autoclave aerated concrete grains. Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication. 2021. 9. 8. 398-402
  • Akihiro Matsuno, Zafar Muhammad Junaid, Takeshi Saito, Huyen Thi Thanh Dang, Pham Thanh Huyen, Tran Thi Viet Nga, Ken Kawamoto. OIL/WATER SEPARATION TECHNIQUES USING HYDROPHOBIZED/OLEOPHILIZED GRAINS: A REVIEW OF RECENT STUDIES. International Journal of GEOMATE. 2021. 20. 81. 28-34
  • Takeshi SAITO, Ken KAWAMOTO, Toshiko KOMATSU. TEMPERATURE CHANGE AND CO2 PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION IN THE VADOSE ZONE OF ARAKAWA LOWLAND. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. G (Environmental Research). 2021. 77. 3. 72-82
MISC (73):
  • SAITO Takeshi, HAMAMOTO Shoichiro, TAKEMURA Takato, UESHIMA Masato, KAWAMOTO Ken, KOMATSU Toshiko. EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE CHANGE ON DISSOLUTION CHARACTERISTICS AND CHEMICAL FORMS OF BORON AND ARSENIC IN SEDIMENTS. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. G (Environmental Research). 2018. 74. 1. 8-15
  • 杉江 瞭, 斎藤 健志, 川本 健, 小松 登志子. 荒川低地における原位置長期熱負荷・自然放冷試験中の浅層地下水の水質変化-Change in shallow groundwater quality during in-situ, long-term heating and natural cooling in Arakawa Lowland. 地下水・土壌汚染とその防止対策に関する研究集会講演集. 2017. 23. 3-6
  • Shoichiro Hamamoto, Per Moldrup, Ken Kawamoto, Toshihiro Sakaki, Taku Nishimura, Toshiko Komatsu. Closure to discussion of “Pore network structure linked by X-ray CT to particle characteristics and transport parameters” by Hamamoto S., Moldrup P., Kawamoto K., Sakaki T., Nishimura T., and Komtatsu, T. Soils and Foundations. 2017. 57. 5. 901-903
  • 伊豆本聡, 濱本昌一郎, 井本博美, 川本健, 長森正尚, 西村拓. 埋立地最終覆土における降雨時のガス及び水移動. 地盤工学研究発表会発表講演集(CD-ROM). 2017. 52nd
  • 斎藤 健志, 上島 雅人, 川本 健, 小松 登志子. 堆積環境の異なる地下帯水層における温度変化と水質変化の関係-Relationships between changes in subsurface temperature and groundwater quality in two confined aquifers with different sedimentary facies. 地下水・土壌汚染とその防止対策に関する研究集会講演集. 2016. 22. 1-4
Lectures and oral presentations  (54):
  • Direct determination of water-table depths using multiple offset GPR profiling data in peatland
    (The Proceedings of 9th International Symposium for Environmental Issues in Korea and Japan 2009)
  • Direct determination of water-table depths using multiple offset GPR profiling data in peatland
    (The Proceedings of 9th International Symposium for Environmental Issues in Korea and Japan 2009)
  • Gas diffusion coefficient in variably saturated peat soil: Development and tests of predictive models
    (American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2008 2008)
  • Three-dimensional pore structure analysis for peat materials using microfocus X-ray computed tomography
    (American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2008 2008)
  • Irreversibility of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid sorption onto a volcanic ash soil : Effect of pH
    (American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2008 2008)
Education (2):
  • 1996 - 1997 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
  • 1994 - 1996 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Professional career (1):
  • Ph.D (University of Tokyo)
Work history (9):
  • 2024/05 - 現在 Hanoi University of Civil Engineering
  • 2022/04 - 現在 Saitama University Strategic Research Center, Research Bureau Division Head
  • 2013/04 - 現在 Saitama University Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor
  • 2023/08 - 2025/07 Cabinet Office Council for Science, Technology and Innovation Senior Fellow of Science and Technology Policy
  • 2019/04 - 2024/03 Hanoi University of Civil Engineering
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Awards (30):
  • 2024/11 - 地盤工学会第21回関東支部発表会(GeoKanto2024) 優秀発表賞 顆粒状軽量気泡コンクリート(AAC)を混合した透水性舗装ブロックの蒸発性評価
  • 2024/05 - Ministry of Education and Training, Vietnam Medal for the Cause of Education in Vietnam
  • 2023/09 - The 4th International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure and Sustainable Development (TISDIC 2023) Best Presentation Award Unsaturated hydraulic property of recycled concrete aggregates blended with autoclaved aerated concrete grains for unbound road base and subbase materials in Vietnam
  • 2023/03 - The 9th International Symposium on Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering Practices for Sustainable Development (ACEP-2023) Best Paper Award Dispersed oil sorption capacity of granular autoclaved aerated concrete in Vietnam
  • 2023/03 - The 9th International Symposium on Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering Practices for Sustainable Development (ACEP-2023) Best Paper Award Improvement of intra-porosity and water retention properties of pervious concrete block using recycling aggregate and industrial by-product in Vietnam
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Association Membership(s) (4):
土壌物理学会 ,  土木学会 ,  地盤工学会 ,  American Geophysical Union
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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