J-GLOBAL ID:200901069561796724
Update date: Oct. 30, 2024
Okuda Hiroshi
オクダ ヒロシ | Okuda Hiroshi
Affiliation and department:
Research field (2):
Structural and functional materials
, Metallic materials
Research keywords (6):
, ナノ複合化構造
, 相変態
, Synchrotron-radiation scattering
, Nanostructure formation
, Phase transformation
Research theme for competitive and other funds (38):
- 2018 - 2023 Development of novel Mg alloys with millefeuille structure
- 2018 - 2021 A trial approach for tomographic microstructure examination towards evaluation of tensor quantity
- 2016 - 2019 Mechanism of LPSO formation from a viewpoint of clusters and its extension to other materials
- 2014 - 2017 Spectroscopic-Scattering analysis of local structures in MgYZn alloys
- 2013 - 2016 Anomalous small-angle scattering at K absorption edge of Al for visualization of nanoclusters in Al-Mg based alloys
- 2011 - 2016 Formation mechanism of synchronized LPSO structures at elevated temperatures
- 2011 - 2016 Materials Science on Synchronized LPSO Structure - Innovative Development to Next-generation Lightweigt-structural Materials -
- 2011 - 2014 Development of X-ray diffractomator to realize in-situ observation of crystal growth
- 2010 - 2012 Resonant Grazing-Incidence Small-angle soft X-ray scattering method and its application to three-dimensional structure analysis of multylayer thin films
- 2010 - 2012 Layer-identified stress state evaluation and superconducting critical current analysis in stressed nano-multilayered composite superconductor
- 2009 - 2011 Strain analysis of bulk metallic glasses using high energy X-ray microbeam scattering
- 2008 - 2010 Nanoscopic fluctuations in Zr-based metallic glasses examined by anomalous SWAXS measurements
- 2006 - 2009 Development of in-situ measurement method of internal strain and critical current of composite superconductors and their quantitative evaluation
- 2006 - 2008 In-situ observation of 3 dimensional meso-scopic structures of metallic materials by coherent x-ray diffraction microscopy
- 2006 - 2007 収束イオンビーム法を用いた数ミクロン直径無機繊維の破壊靱性評価法の開発
- 2003 - 2007 金属ガラスのナノ組織化過程の小・中角散乱法による解明
- 2006 - 2006 X線・中性子解析による「埋もれた」界面の科学に関する調査
- 2004 - 2006 X線共鳴磁気小角散乱による誘起磁気アイランド構造の解明
- 2004 - 2006 Development of prediction method of grain boundary and intragrain microstructures at an atomistic scale by utilizing GC Monte-Carlo methods.
- 2001 - 2002 Nanostructure of exchange spring magnet multilayers examined by resonant X-ray magnetic scattering
- 1999 - 2001 メゾスコピック走査ホールプローブ顕微鏡の開発-極微小領域における不均質磁束密度分布の定量解析に向けて-
- 1999 - 2000 Phase Equilibrium in Multicomponent System and Material Design of Bi-based Suprconductors
- 1998 - 1999 Development of new techniques for the analysis of magnetic structures using third-generation synchrotron X-ray sources
- 1997 - 1999 Analysis of interface magnetic structures in magnetic thin films using resonant X-ray scattering techniques
- 1997 - 1998 定常的な外場負荷環境での組織形成過程の放射光によるその場観察
- 1995 - 1997 Study of Fluxon by Means of Neutron Scattering and Its Application to Engineering Science
- 1995 - 1996 Nonlinear Pattern Formation during Phase Separation and Its Scaling
- 1994 - 1995 Development of Manufacturing Process of Multilayred Composite with Mesoscopic Microstucture
- 1993 - 1994 In-situ measurements of L12 phase formasion by means of SR-SWAXS
- 外部擾乱を受ける複合系の相変態・組織形成過程
- 機能性複合材料の内部構造・ひずみのIn-situ測定
- GI-SAXSによる表面近傍ナノ構造の評価
- 異常小角高角散乱による金属ガラスの構造と相転移過程の評価
- Structure-function relationship and strain assessment of functional composite materials
- Microstructure assessment and kinetics of diffusional phase transition in light metal alloys
- Self organization and structure/function evaluation using Grazing incidence small-angle scattering
- Structure and phase transition in metallic glasses
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Papers (217):
Yoshiaki Maegawa, Hiroshi Okuda, Taichi Shimada, Kyosuke Hirayama, Michiaki Yamasaki, Yoshihito Kawamura. Small-angle X-ray scattering analysis on the in-plane cluster distribution during heating amorphous Mg85Y9Cu6 alloys. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2023. 62. 9
Hiroshi Okuda, Kohei Kintsu, Shu Kurokawa, Masao Tabuchi, Hiroaki Nitani, Hajime Kimizuka, Shin-ichi Inoue, Michiaki Yamasaki, Yoshihito Kawamura. Nanoclusters in stacking faults in Mg-Y-Zn alloys examined by small-angle X-ray scattering and extended X-ray absorption fine structure analysis. Acta Materialia. 2023. 253. 118963-118963
Hiroshi Okuda, Yoshiaki Maegawa, Kento Shimotsuji, Shin-ichi Inoue, Yoshihito Kawamura, Shigeru Kimura. Microstructure Evolution in Mg98.6Y1Zn0.4 Alloys and the Development by Hot Deformation Examined by Synchrotron Radiation Small- and Wide-Angle Scattering. MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS. 2023. 64. 4. 780-784
Keita Aoyama, Hiroshi Okuda, Shan Lin, Kazuhiko Mase, Yoshinori Kitajima, Yusuke Tamenori. Absolute measurements of anomalous small-angle X-ray scattering intensity using glassy carbon at the Mg K absorption edge. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2022. 61. 7. 070915-070915
落合 庄治郎, 奥田 浩司. クラックが多数形成された被覆型銅安定化超伝導テープの臨界電流およびn値に及ぼす最大クラックサイズとクラック間サイズ差の影響の描出. 銅と銅合金 : 銅及び銅合金技術研究会誌 = Copper and copper alloy : journal of Japan Research Institute for Advanced Copper-Base Materials and Technologies / 銅及び銅合金技術研究会 [編]. 2022. 61. 1. 284-289
MISC (99):
大石純乃介, 奥田浩司, 前河佳晃, 嶋田太一, 谷口樹, 河村能人, 山崎倫昭. X線小角散乱によるLPSO型Mg合金のクラスタ配列の解析. 日本金属学会講演大会(Web). 2024. 174th
奥田浩司, 谷口樹, 大石純乃介, 下辻健斗, 前河佳晃, 伊藤樹人, 近都康平, 平山恭介, 君塚肇, 田渕雅夫, et al. SWAXSとEXAFS併用によるMg-TM-RE合金の相変態過程と組織制御. KEK Proceedings (Web). 2024. 2024-2
奥田浩司, 前河佳晃, 前河佳晃, 下辻健斗, 嶋田太一, 平山恭介, 山崎倫昭, 河村能人. Formation process of LPSO structures in Mg-Y-TM (TM=Zn,Cu,Ni,Co) alloys. 軽金属学会大会講演概要. 2023. 144th
奥田浩司, 前河佳晃, 前河佳晃, 嶋田太一, 平山恭介, 山崎倫昭, 河村能人. Mg-Y-Cu合金のLPSO形成過程と組織のIn-situSWAXS・EXAFS複合解析. 日本金属学会講演大会(Web). 2023. 173rd
前河佳晃, 伊藤樹人, 奥田浩司, 河村能人, 山崎倫昭. Mg-Y-Cuアモルファス合金におけるクラスター面内配列の温度変化. 日本金属学会講演大会(Web). 2022. 170th
Education (2):
- - 1988 Kyoto University
- Kyoto University
Professional career (1):
- Dr.Eng. Kyoto Univ. (Kyoto University)
Work history (9):
- 1999 - 2002 奈良先端大 助教授
- 1999 - 2002 Nara Inst. Sci. Technol. Ass.Prof.
- 2002 - - 京大IIC 助教授
- 2002 - - Kyoto Univ. Ass.Prof.
- 1989 - 1999 Kyoto University
- 1989 - 1999 Dept.Metall. Kyoto Univ. Instructor
- 1987 - 1989 富士通研究所 研究員
- 1987 - 1989 Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.
- 現在 京大工 准教授
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Awards (2):
- 2005 - 日本金属学会 功績賞(組織部門)
- 1991 - 本多記念研究奨励賞
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本応用物理学会
, 軽金属学会
, 日本金属学会
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