J-GLOBAL ID:200901069634934420
Update date: Sep. 03, 2022
Aniya Sousei
アニヤ ソウセイ | Aniya Sousei
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- A Lexically Based Algebraic Approach to Wanna-contraction
- A Lexically Based Algebraic Approach to Wanna-contraction
MISC (41):
Grammaticality Checking Devices in the SA-Model. 「言語文化研究」広島大学総合科学部紀要. 2002. 5. 28. 31-47
Grammaticality Checking Devices in the SA-Model. 2002. 5. 28. 31-47
An LBA Approach to the English Middle Construction. 「言語文化研究」広島大学総合科学部紀要. 2001. 5. 27. 1-21
An LBA Approach to the English Middle Construction. 2001. 5. 27. 1-21
The Phonology of Wanna-contraction Part II: A lexically based algebraic analysis. 「言語文化研究」広島大学総合科学部紀要. 2000. 5. 26. 1-23
Education (4):
- - 1987 ワシントン大学大学院 その他 言語学
- - 1987 University of Washington Others Linguistics
- - 1975 Okinawa University
- - 1975 Okinawa University Faculty of Literature
Professional career (2):
- (Ph.D)言語学博士 (ワシントン大学大学院)
- (M.A)言語学修士 (カリフォルニア州立大学フレズノ校)
Work history (2):
- 1987 - 1988 University of the Ryukyus
- 1987 - 1988 University of the Ryukyus, Junior College ; Okinawa University Part-time Instructor
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