J-GLOBAL ID:200901070029272413
Update date: Jan. 17, 2024
Taguti Nobuo
タグチ ノブオ | Taguti Nobuo
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Research field (1):
Economic policy
Research keywords (2):
, International Economics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
1980 - 累積債務問題に関する研究
1980 - Studies on the Foreign Debt problem
MISC (17):
田口 信夫. グローバリゼーション下の米中経済関係. 経営と経済. 2008. 第88. 第3. 223-238
Nobuo Taguchi. US-China economic relations under the globalization. keiei to Keizai. 2008. 第88. 第3. 223-238
発展途上国の経済開発と民活インフラ整備. 東南アジア研究年報. 1998. 40/,33-50
Ecomic Development and Private Infrastructure in Developing Countries. Annual Review of Southeast Asian Studies. 1998. 40/,33-50
Ecomic Development and Private Infrastructure in Developing Countries. Annual Review of Southeast Asian Studies. 1998. 40/,33-50
Books (28):
ミネルヴァ書房 2000
ミネルヴァ書房 2000
Competitive Power of Japan Economy and Globalization
East Asian Economy and Japan
Period of Asia
未入力 1997
Education (6):
- 1972 Kyoto University
- 1972 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Economics
- 1971 Kyoto University
- 1971 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Economics
- 1969 Nagasaki University Faculty of Economics
- 1969 Nagasaki University Faculty of Economics
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Professional career (1):
(BLANK) (Kyoto University)
Work history (5):
1999 - 2004 Nagasaki University Faculty of Economics
1999 - 2004 Others,Economic Cooperation & International Communication,Faculty of Economics,Nagasaki University
1972 - - 長崎大学経済学部経済協力・国際コミュニケーション 教授
1972 - - Professor,Economic Cooperation & International Communication,Faculty of Economics,Nagasaki University
Nagasaki University Faculty of Economics, Economic Cooperation & International Communication Professor
Association Membership(s) (2):
, 国際経済学会
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