J-GLOBAL ID:200901070147291805
Update date: Aug. 28, 2020
Goto Hidetoshi
ゴトウ ヒデトシ | Goto Hidetoshi
Affiliation and department:
Tokyo University of Science Faculty of Engineering, Division1, Industrial Chemistry
About Tokyo University of Science Faculty of Engineering, Division1, Industrial Chemistry
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Detailed information
Research field (1):
Polymer chemistry
Research keywords (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2004 - 2005 ポリフェノール誘導体の水中でのらせん誘起
MISC (10):
らせん場を用いたらせん状高分子集合体の創製. 化学と工業. 2004. 57. 10. 1079
H Goto, HQ Zhang, E Yashima. Chiral stimuli-responsive gels: Helicity induction in poly(phenylacetylene) gels bearing a carboxyl group with chiral amines. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2003. 125. 9. 2516-2523
Hidetoshi Goto, Yoshio Okamoto, Eiji Yashima. Metal-induced supramolecular chirality in an optically active polythiophene aggregate. Chemistry - A European Journal. 2002. 8. 17. 4027-4036
H Goto, E Yashima. Electron-induced switching of the supramolecular chirality of optically active polythiophene aggregates. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2002. 124. 27. 7943-7949
H Goto, Y Okamoto, E Yashima. Solvent-induced chiroptical changes in supramolecular assemblies of an optically active, regioregular polythiophene. MACROMOLECULES. 2002. 35. 12. 4590-4601
Education (2):
- 2002 Nagoya University
- 1996 Nagoya University School of Engineering
Professional career (1):
工学 (名古屋大学)
Work history (1):
2002/04 - 2002/12 2002年3月 名古屋大学工学研究科物質制御工学専攻博士課程終了 2002年4月~2002年12月 日本学術振興会 特別研究員(PD) 2003年1月より現職
Association Membership(s) (2):
, 高分子学会
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