J-GLOBAL ID:200901070513495940
Update date: Apr. 17, 2024
Taniyama Kouki
タニヤマ コウキ | Taniyama Kouki
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Research keywords (3):
spatial graph theory
, knot theory
, topology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (31):
- 2021 - 2026 3次元双曲多様体上の量子トポロジー
- 2021 - 2026 空間グラフのトポロジー
- 2016 - 2021 結び目と3次元多様体の量子トポロジー
- 2016 - 2021 Research on knot theory and its application
- 2015 - 2020 3次元多様体の幾何構造と組合せ構造
- 2015 - 2018 Multiplicity of a space over another space
- 2012 - 2017 Studies of knot theory and their applications
- 2012 - 2016 Topology of knots and 3-manifolds
- 2012 - 2015 A study of spatial graphs from topological viewpoint
- 2010 - 2014 Study of invariants and geometric structures by local moves in Knot Theory
- 2007 - 2009 Study of local moves and invariants for knots and virtual knots
- 2006 - 2008 Study of spatial graphs from the topological viewpoint
- 2005 - 2007 Research of global knot theory in thickened surfaces
- 2004 - 2006 Studies of local moves and finite type invariants in knot theory
- 2000 - 2001 Study for 3-mainfolds and knots, links and graphs contained in them
- 1996 - 1997 空間グラフの位相幾何学的研究
- 1996 - 1997 空間グラフの位相幾何学的研究
- 1996 - 1996 振動積分作用素と最大関数の研究
- 1996 - 1996 二次体の上の不分岐拡大について
- 1995 - 1995 A study of spatial graphs from topological viewpoint
- 1995 - 1995 空間グラフの位相幾何学的研究
- 1995 - 1995 3次元・4次元多様体の位相幾何学的研究
- 1994 - 1994 空間グラフの位相幾何学的研究
- 1994 - 1994 アルゴリズムと計算量の研究
- 1993 - 1994 Comprehensive Research on Topological Graph Theory
- 1993 - 1993 空間グラフの位相幾何学的研究
- 1993 - 1993 空間グラフの位相幾何学的研究
- 1992 - 1992 空間グラフの不度量
- Research on singular integral operators and function spaces
- 低次元トポロジーの総合的研究
- Studies of Knot Theory
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Papers (52):
MISC (7):
Matsuzaki Shosaku, Taniyama Kouki. A common stabilization of diagrams of a knot (等距離写像研究の多角的アプローチ). 数理解析研究所講究録. 2017. 2035. 49-52
伊藤 昇, 瀧村 祐介, 谷山 公規. Strong and weak (1,3) homotopies on spherical curves and related topics (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology). 数理解析研究所講究録. 2015. 1960. 101-106
谷山 公規. 知恵の輪のトポロジー. 数学通信. 2014. 18. 4. 19-26
TANIYAMA KOUKI. MULTIPLICITY DISTANCE OF KNOTS (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology). RIMS Kokyuroku. 2010. 1716. 37-42
TANIYAMA KOUKI. UNKNOTTING NUMBERS OF DIAGRAMS OF A GIVEN NONTRIVIAL KNOT ARE UNBOUNDED(Knots and soft-matter physics: Topology of polymers and related topics in physics, mathematics and biology) :. 2009. 92. 1. 123-126
Lectures and oral presentations (13):
Realization of Knots and Links in a Spatial Graph
(MAA MathFest 2017 2017)
Totally close spatial embeddings of a graph
(AMS Sectional Meeting AMS Special Session 2015)
Totally close spatial embeddings of a graph
Component-speci c unknotting numbers of links
(第88回米沢数学セミナー 2015)
Site-specifc Gordian distances of spatial graphs
(Conference on Knot Theory and Its Applications to Physics and Quantum Computing 2015)
Education (2):
- - 1992 Waseda University Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering
- - 1987 Waseda University Faculty of Education
Professional career (2):
Work history (4):
- 2004 - Waseda Universiy, Professor
- 2001 - 2003 Waseda University, Associate Professor
- 1997 - 2000 Tokyo Woman's Christian University, Associate Professor
- 1993 - 1996 Tokyo Woman's Christian University, Assistant Professor
Awards (1):
Association Membership(s) (1):
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