J-GLOBAL ID:200901070580127742
Update date: Sep. 27, 2024
Nakahara Mikio
ナカハラ ミキオ | Nakahara Mikio
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Research field (2):
Mathematical physics and basic theory
, Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics
Research keywords (6):
, 量子情報
, 数理物理学
, Bose-Einstein Condensation
, Quantum Information
, Mathematical Physics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (28):
2020 - 2023 Modularization of quantum circuits and mathematical and experimental study of quantum control
2017 - 2020 Topological Excitations in Quantum Condensates with Complex Order Parameters
2014 - 2016 Lie algebraic study of nonadiabatic quantum control
2013 - 2015 Design and Implementation of High-Fidelity Quantum Gates without Feedback
2012 - 2015 Philosophy of Computation: Towards Various Developements
2010 - 2014 Novel Edge Phenomena in Spin-Triplet Superfluids
2011 - 2013 Implementation of selective quantum gates in a neutral atom quantum computer
2007 - 2009 Study of Qubit-Interaction toward a Scalable Quantum Computer
2005 - 2007 Construction and Implementation of the Geometric Control Theory of Quantum Computing
2001 - 2006 Symmetry and Topology of Matter and Gravitational Fields
2002 - 2004 Suppression of decoherence and development of quantum error correcting codes in solid state qubits
1999 - 2000 Structure and Dynamics of Vortices in a Bose Condenstate with Spin Degree of Freedom
1998 - 2000 Theoretical Study of Superfluid ^3He Thin Films
1998 - 1998 シス型ポリアセチレンの巨視的量子核形成における相互作用の効果
1997 - 1997 シス型ポリアセチレンにおける巨視的量子核形成
1996 - 1996 周期的シュレディンガー方程式の断熱摂動の代数解析
1995 - 1995 パンルヴェ超越関数と指数漸近解析
1994 - 1994 一次元可積分多体系の半古典的量子化とランダム行列模型
1992 - 1992 低温における超伝導渦糸の構造
1990 - 1991 Statistical Mechanics of Anyons
quantum information
Bose-Einstein Condensation
Differential Geometry and its application to physics
Quantum Information
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Papers (81):
Shingo Kukita, Yasushi Kondo, Mikio Nakahara. Controllable non-Markovianity in phase relaxation. New Journal of Physics. 2020. 22. 10. 103048-103048
Masamitsu Bando, Tsubasa Ichikawa, Yasushi Kondo, Nobuaki Nemoto, Mikio Nakahara, Yutaka Shikano. Concatenated Composite Pulse Applied to Liquid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Scientific Reports 10, 2126 (2020). 2020. 10. 1
Eiichi Bannai, Mikio Nakahara, Da Zhao, Yan Zhu. On the explicit constructions of certain unitary t-designs. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL. 2019. 52. 49
Shumpei Masuda, Kuan Yen Tan, Mikio Nakahara. Theoretical Study on Spin-Selective Coherent Electron Transfer in a Quantum Dot Array. Universe. 2019. 6. 1
Xian-Hui Ge, Mikio Nakahara, Sang-Jin Sin, Yu Tian, Shao-Feng Wu. Acoustic black holes in curved spacetime and the emergence of analogue Minkowski spacetime. PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 2019. 99. 10
MISC (164):
笠松健一, 大見哲巨, 中原幹夫. 有限磁場下における超流動
He-B相の渦芯構造と相図 II-横磁場の場合-. 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM). 2019. 74. 1
中原 幹夫, 坂東 将光, 田中 宗. 断熱量子コンピューティングによる巡回セールスマン問題の解法. Science and technology = 理工学総合研究所研究報告. 2017. 29. 1-9
中原幹夫, 増田俊平, 大見哲巨. Counderdiabatic場を用いたBECにおけるトポロジカル渦生成. 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM). 2015. 70. 1. ROMBUNNO.21AAG-5-565
IYETAKE TOSHIMASA, MATSUYAMA AKIHIKO, NAKAHARA MIKIO. Nonintegrable Deformation of Integrable Three-Body Problem. 近畿大学理工学総合研究所研究報告. 2015. 27. 7-24
Mikio Nakahara. Differentialgeometrie, Topologie und Physik. 2015
Books (20):
量子物理学のための線形代数 : ベクトルから量子情報へ
培風館 2016 ISBN:9784563025168
Differentialgeometrie, Topologie und Physik
Springer Spektrum 2015 ISBN:3662452995
Diversities in quantum computation and quantum information
World Scientific 2013 ISBN:9789814425971
Quantum information and quantum computing
World Scientific 2013 ISBN:9789814425216
Lectures on quantum computing, thermodynamics and statistical physics
World Scientific 2013 ISBN:9789814425186
Lectures and oral presentations (25):
On Robust Quantum Control
Hamiltonian Identification for a 3-Spin Chain
Selective two-qubit gate operation in neutral atom quantum computer
Neutral Atom Quantum Computer with On-demand Interaction
(10'th Asian Conference on Quantum Information Science 2010)
Trapping single atom with optical near-fields
Education (4):
- 1981 Kyoto University
- 1981 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
- 1976 Kyoto University Faculty of Science
- 1976 Kyoto University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (3):
アメリカ物理教育学会(The American Association of Physics Teachers)
, 日本物理学会
, アメリカ物理学会(The American Physical Society)
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