J-GLOBAL ID:200901070910604623
Update date: Sep. 19, 2022
Tanaka Koji
タナカ コウジ | Tanaka Koji
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (3):
Landscape science
, Environmental agriculture
, Crop production science
Research keywords (6):
, 熱帯農学
, 作物学
, Area Studies
, Tropical Agricultural Science
, Crop Science
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Papers (33):
田中 耕司. アジアの知識人と農業・農村. 『農業』 No.1525 大日本農会、4-5. 2009
田中 耕司. 新しい学問への道 すべては出会いから始まった--地域研究はディシプリンかアリーナか?. シーダー. 2009. 1. 67-71
田中 耕司. 二者択一ではなく中庸を. 『農業』No.1519、 大日本農会、4-5. 2009
田中 耕司. 座談会 地域研究における情報学を考える. 『アジア遊学』第113号、4-23。. 2008
田中 耕司. 「文化崩壊としてのコメの不正転売問題」. 『農 業』No. 1512、4-5. 2008
MISC (18):
田中 耕司. Opening Address and Introduction to the Symposium New Horizons of Academic Visual- Media Practices. Proceedings of the 13th Kyoto University International Symposium, Kyoto University, ii~iii. 2010
Tanaka Koji, Motoko Shimagami, Keron Petrus. Role of Local Communities toward Sustainable Use of Forest Area: Community Forest Program in Decentralizing Indonesia. International Workshop on Sustainable Land Management in Marginal Mountainous Region, 2009.11.9-10, United Nations University, Northeastern University, Shillong, India. 2009
Tanaka Koji, Motoko Shimagami, Keron Petrus. National Forest Park and Local Communities: A Case from Lampung Province, Indonesia, in Relation to the Implementation of Social Forestry Program. The 2nd International Conference on Forest-Related Traditional Knowledge and Culture in Asia, 2009.11.3, Unitede Nations University, Kunming Institute of Botany, Kunming, China. 2009
田中 耕司. Developing Sulawesi Area Studies: Fifty-Year Collaboration between Kyoto University and Hasanuddin University. International Symposium on Sulawesi Area Studies, G-COE Project, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia. 2008
田中 耕司. Land and Labor Intensive Agricultural Systems in Monsoon Asia: Comparative Perspectives on the Technnological Development in Wet-Roce-Based Farming in Early Modern and Modern Periods. Proceedings of the Third Afrasian International Symposium, Resources under Stress: Sustainability of the Local Community in Asia and Africa, “Afrasian Centre for Peace and Development Studies, Ryukoku University Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto U. 2008
Books (8):
杉原 薫他(編)『地球圏・生命圏・人間圏 持続的な生存基盤を求めて』京都大学出版会、61-88 2010
縄文文化輝く会 松久保秀胤(監修)『縄文 謎の扉を開く』冨山房インターナショナル、202-220 2009
池谷和信編著『地球環境史からの問い』岩波書店、296-313 2009
『岩波講座「帝国」日本の学知 第7巻 実学としての科学技術』
岩波書店 2006 ISBN:4000112570
田中耕司編『岩波講座「帝国」日本の学知 第7巻 実学としての科学技術』99、B7,岩波書店 2006
Works (20):
1998 - 2001
Transmigration and transformation of eco-system and resource use
1998 - 2001
1995 - 1998
1995 - 1998
Culturo-Ecological Structure of Network Societies in Wallacea
1995 - 1998
Education (4):
- - 1973 Kyoto University
- - 1973 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Agriculture Division of Agronomy and Horticaltural Science
- - 1969 Kyoto University Faculty of Agriculture
- - 1969 Kyoto University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agronomy
Professional career (1):
- Master of Agriculture (Kyoto University)
Work history (6):
Committee career (1):
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 東南アジア考古学会
, 日本南アジア学会
, 日本熱帯生態学会
, 日本熱帯農業学会
, 日本作物学会
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