Yoichi Hara, Takashi Oguri, Tony Tinker. Introduction to Japanese critical accounting research. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 2005. 16. 2. 73-76
A Critical Examination of Accounting Regulation in Japan (co-authored with Takashi Oguri). Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal. 1990. Vol.3,No.2
An Analysis of International Harmonization of Consolidation Accounting. Memoirs of the Meiji University Graduate School (Commerce). 1986. 23. 2
Information Disclosure of Transnational Corporations and the Quest for Comparability. Memoirs of the Meiji University Graduate School (Commerce). 1985. 22. 2
Information Disclosure of Transnational Corporations : The Work of the United Nations. Memoirs of the Meiji University Graduate School (Commerce). 1984. 21. 2
The Structure of Accounting Regulation: Discussion of a Possible General Framework for International Compar00000ison with a Focus on the Japanese Case
(The Third Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting Conference (July 8-10 1991 University of Manchester) 1991)
Works (2):
Japan Society for Social Science of Accounting -- A survey of research by JSSSA since 2005 --
2013 - 2014