J-GLOBAL ID:200901071551752235
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Tanabe Tetsuo
タナベ テツオ | Tanabe Tetsuo
Research field (3):
Nuclear engineering
, Nuclear fusion
, Thin-film surfaces and interfaces
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Application of high Z Materials as Plasma Facing Material
Inellastic-Collision of Ion on Solid
Plasma-Materials Surface Iuteraction
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MISC (98):
T Tanabe, Philipps, V. Tritium detection in plasma facing component by imaging plate technique. FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN. 2001. 54. 1. 147-149
T Tanabe, M Wada, T Ohgo, Philipps, V, M Rubel, A Huber, J von Seggern, K Ohya, A Pospieszczyk, B Schweer. Application of tungsten for plasma limiters in TEXTOR. JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS. 2000. 283. Pt.B. 1128-1133
T Ii, T Yoshida, T Tanabe, T Hara, M Okada, K Yamaguchi. Study on the damaging process of silica by in-reactor luminescence. JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS. 2000. 283. Pt.B. 898-902
M Rubel, T Tanabe, Philipps, V, B Emmoth, A Kirschner, J von Seggern, P Wienhold. Graphite-tungsten twin limiters in studies of material mixing processes on high heat flux components. JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS. 2000. 283. 1089-1093
K Ohya, R Kawakami, T Tanabe, M Wada, T Ohgo, Philipps, V, A Pospieszczyk, B Schweer, A Huber, M Rubel, et al. Simulation study of carbon and tungsten deposition on W/C twin test limiter in TEXTOR-94. JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS. 2000. 283. Pt.B. 1182-1186
Professional career (1):
Work history (1):
Nagoya University Graduate School of Engineering, Energy Engineering and Scinece, Graduate School of Engineering Energy Engineering and Scinece Professor
Awards (2):
2001 - 日本金属学会組織写真賞佳作賞
1988 - 日本金属学会論文賞
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