J-GLOBAL ID:200901071728557390   Update date: Sep. 23, 2022

Ejiri Norio

エジリ ノリオ | Ejiri Norio
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Research field  (1): Geometry
Research keywords  (2): 大域的微分幾何学 ,  幾何学
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (6):
  • 1978 - ラグランジェ部分多様体の研究
  • 1978 - Study on Lagrangian submanifolds
  • 調和写像の研究
  • 極小部分多様体の研究
  • Study on harmonic maps
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MISC (29):
  • T. Okamato, N. Ejiri. A potential and catastrophe of a soap film. World Scientific, Contemporary Aspects of Complex Analysis, Differential Geometry and Mathematical Physics. 2005. 257-269
  • N. Ejiri. Stable simply connected minimal surfaces in R^N. World Scientific, Contemporary Aspects of Complex Analysis, Differential Geometry and Mathematical Physics. 2005. 64-73
  • Norio Ejiri, Kazumi Tsukada. Another natural lift of a kähler submanifold of a quaternionic kähler manifold to the twistor space. Tokyo Journal of Mathematics. 2005. 28. 1. 71-78
  • N. Ejiri. A Differential-Geometric Schottky Problem, and Minimal Surfaces in Tori. Contemporary Mathematics. 2002. 308. 101-144
  • Norio Ejiri. Homotopically energy-minimizing harmonic maps of tori into RP3. Tokyo Journal of Mathematics. 2000. 23. 2. 503-518
Books (2):
  • 微分法&積分法
    裳華房 1999
  • 理系の基礎数学 線形代数学
    学術図書出版者 1998
Education (4):
  • - 1981 Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School of Science
  • - 1981 Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science Mathematics
  • - 1975 Ibaraki University
  • - 1975 Ibaraki University Faculty of Science
Professional career (2):
  • Doctor of Science (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
  • Master of Science (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Association Membership(s) (1):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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