Research field (2):
Science education
, Chemical reaction and process system engineering
Research keywords (5):
delivery science class
, 薬剤放散システム
, extraction
, 分離工学
, Separation technology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (12):
2020 - 2021 遠隔地域へのキャリア教育としての学生主体型出前授業の実施
2017 - 2020 社会実装教育を基盤とする地域の次世代型技術者(人財)の育成
2015 - 長期自己制御型薬剤放散システムの提案
2013 - 2015 地域連携教育としての新しい体験型学外教育に関する研究
2013 - マイクロチャネルを用いたタンパク質の逆ミセル抽出
2006 - 2008 Protein Extraction by Liquid Surfactant Membrane Using Nano-Order Molecular Aggregates as Carrier
2004 - 2005 逆ミセル抽出装置内での液滴合一挙動
2004 - 2005 逆ミセル系における液滴合一挙動
2002 - Drop coalescence behavior in extraction column
2001 - Extraction of Proteins by Reversed Micellar Solution in a Sieve-tray Column
1999 - 逆ミセルによるタンパク質抽出に及ぼすカチオンの影響
Effect of cations on protein extraction using reversed micelles
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Papers (41):
Takumi Kinugasa, Uchida Kiyohito, Imai Hikaru, Nishii Yasuhiro. Precipitation and recovery of lysozyme denatured by urea and guanidine hydrochloride using anionic surfactant and acetone. Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan. 2023. 56. 1
Yasuhiro Nishii, Chiemi Hara, Takumi Kinugasa, Susumu Nii, Katsuroku Takahashi. EXTRACTION OF LYSOZYME BY REVERSED MICELLAR SOLUTION IN A SIEVE-TRAY COLUMN. International Solvent Extraction Conference 2002. 2002. 656-661
Yasuhiro Nishii, Chiemi Hara, Takumi Kinugasa, Susumu Nii, Katsuroku Takahashi. APPLICATION OF REVERSED MICELLAR EXTRACTION TO A SIEVE-TRAY COLUMN. The sixth international symposium on separation technology between Japan and Korea. 2002. 735-738