J-GLOBAL ID:200901072137675292
Update date: Aug. 27, 2022
Nakagawa Kiyokazu
ナカガワ キヨカズ | Nakagawa Kiyokazu
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Basic analysis
Research keywords (2):
, Partial Differential Equation
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 衝撃条件をもつ半線形放物型方程式の研究
- 拡散・移流方程式の解の挙動に関する研究
- Study on the impulsive semilinear parabolic equation.
- Study on behavior of solutions for the diffusion-advection equation
MISC (11):
Works (2):
1997 -
Study on the impulsive semilinear parabolic equation
1997 -
Education (4):
- - 1979 Tohoku University
- - 1979 Tohoku University Science
- - 1974 Kyoto University Faculty of Science
- - 1974 Kyoto University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1):
- Doctor of Science (Tohoku University)
Work history (6):
- 1988 - 1999 Tohoku Gakuin University
- 1988 - 1999 Tohoku Gakuin University, Assistant Professor
- 1987 - 1988 Hachinohe Institute of Technology
- 1987 - 1988 Hachinohe Institute of Technology, Assistant Professor
- 1979 - 1987 Hachinohe Institute of Technology
- 1979 - 1987 Hachinohe Institute of Technology, Lecturer
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Association Membership(s) (1):
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