Research theme for competitive and other funds (9):
2015 - 2016 遅発性内リンパ水腫の中耳加圧療法に関する研究
2002 - 2004 ヒトの視性・前庭性空間認知感覚中枢の脳波双極子追跡法による研究
2002 - 2003 Location of the central pathway in the human brain related visual and vestibular spatial orientation estimated by EEG dipole tracing method
Studies on vestibulo-spinal reflexes by examination of lahyrinthine evoked EMGs of lower limbs
Studies on equilibium training in the patients with labyrinthine disorders
Hirofumi Shibata, Bunya Kuze, Hisamitsu Hayashi, Takesumi Nishihori, Mitsuhiro Aoki, Keisuke Mizuta, Shimon Kato, Kenichi Ando, Yatsuji Ito. A case of idiopathic neck bleeding from a parathyroid cyst. Journal of Otolaryngology of Japan. 2014. 117. 9. 1194-1199
Stabilometry in the elderly(jointly worked)
XVI World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Sydney, Monduzzi Editore S.p.A. -Bologna(Italy) 1997
Chemoprevention and telomerase activity of hamster buccal pouch cartinogenesis(jointly worked)
XVI World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Sydney, Monduzzi Editore S.p.A. -Bologna(Italy) 1997