J-GLOBAL ID:200901072986887201
Update date: Jul. 15, 2024
Tsutsui Yoshiro
ツツイ ヨシロウ | Tsutsui Yoshiro
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (2):
Money and finance
, Public economics, labor economics
Research keywords (2):
, Banking and Finance
Research theme for competitive and other funds (28):
- 2023 - 2028 Economic Analysis of Military Risk Issues: A Comparative Study of Japan and Israel
- 2022 - 2025 なぜ、日本におけるジェンダー格差の取り組みは遅れているのか?文化的背景の解明
- 2021 - 2024 出生体重が人生に与える影響:双子データの構築
- 2018 - 2023 巨大リスクにどのように立ち向かうか? イスラエルとの共同研究
- 2018 - 2023 主観的幸福感を用いた所得再配分政策の評価
- 2016 - 2021 Analysis on financial markets and economic policy using internationally comparable data
- 2016 - 2020 Effects of family and social capital on non-cognitive skills
- 2013 - 2016 Development of health promotion theory that applies behavioral economics and research of verification in action of taking medicine
- 2012 - 2016 Analysis on corporate finance of Japanese firms: Change in financing environment and the role of financial institutions
- 2011 - 2016 Economics of happiness and policy evaluation: toward a solution of the paradox of happiness
- 2011 - 2015 Anomalies in the Japanese stock markets --Traditional approach and behavioral approach--
- 2009 - 2011 Analysis on corporate finance of Japanese firms: Benefits and limitations of relationship-based finance
- 2008 - 2011 Time-inconsistent Behavior and Efficacy of Self-control
- 2008 - 2010 Investor behavior in the stock markets focusing on internet transactions
- 2008 - 2009 ニューロエコノミクスの研究拠点形成に向けて:金融理論の基盤再考
- 2005 - 2008 Analysis of portfolio selection and saving behavior by means of questionnaire survey and economic experiment
- 2006 - 2007 時間割引率と危険回避度:ニューロエコノミクスによるアプローチ
- 2000 - 2002 The Empirical Research of the Treatments for Bad Loans and the Efforts for Streamlining the Management in the Japanese Banking Sector in the 1990's
- 2001 - アンケート調査による効用関数の形状の推定
- 2001 - Estimation of preference parameters using questionnaires
- 1998 - 2000 Empirical Analysis of International Stock Price Linkage
- 1995 - 1997 Collection and Analysis of the Data for an elucidation of the stock price mechanism
- 金融業における競争度
- 株価の国際連関
- 日米株式投資家の市場予想と投資行動
- degree of competition in financial industries
- International Linkage of Stock Prices
- Expectation and behavior of stock market investor
Show all
Papers (102):
Eiji Yamamura, Yoshiro Tsutsui, Fumio Ohtake. COVID-19 vaccination, preventive behaviours and pro-social motivation: panel data analysis from Japan. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. 2024. 11. 1
Chisako Yamane, Yoshiro Tsutsui. Non-linear association of low birthweight with risk factors including women’s BMI: Evidence from an international comparison. 2023
Eiji Yamamura, Yoshiro Tsutsui, Fumio Ohtake. The Effect of Primary School Education on Preventive Behaviours during COVID-19 in Japan. Sustainability. 2023. 15. 11. 8655-8655
Eiji Yamamura, Youki Kohsaka, Yoshiro Tsutsui, Fumio Ohtake. Association between the COVID-19 Vaccine and Preventive Behaviors: Panel Data Analysis from Japan. Vaccines. 2023. 11. 4. 810-810
Eiji Yamamura, Youki Kohsaka, Yoshiro Tsutsui, Fumio Ohtake. Gender Differences of the Effect of Vaccination on Perceptions of COVID-19 and Mental Health in Japan. Vaccines. 2023. 11. 4. 822
MISC (117):
Shinsuke Ikeda, Hideaki Kiyoshi Kato, Fumio Ohtake, Yoshiro Tsutsui. Preface. Behavioral Interactions, Markets, and Economic Dynamics: Topics in Behavioral Economics. 2015. v-x
Tsutsui Yoshiro, Nishimura Yusaku, Hirayama Kenjiro. The Financial Crisis and Intraday Volatility : Comparative Analysis on China, Japan and the US Stock Markets. 2011. 61. 3. 19-37
筒井義郎. 「持続可能性と幸福感」. 『CEL』. 2009. 90
筒井義郎. 書評:『実践 行動経済学』. 日本経済新聞. 2009
Decision to get influenza vaccination: A behavioral economic approach. Discussion Paper Osaka University. 2009. 09-17
Books (27):
日本評論社 2010
東洋経済新報社 2009
日本経済新聞社 2007
東洋経済新報社 2005
「なぜ京都は信金王国なのか?:efficiency structure 仮説の視点による分析(共著)
湯野勉編著『京都の地域金融』日本評論社 2003
Works (5):
2002 -
1993 -
1992 -
「東京・ニューヨーク株式市場の相互関連:アンケート調査の結果」Discussion Paper in Economics,名古屋市立大学
1990 -
「日米株式投資家の市場予想と投資行動:アンケート調査の結果」Discussion Paper in Economics,名古屋市立大学
1990 -
Education (4):
- - 1982 Osaka University
- - 1982 Osaka University Graduate School, Division of Economics
- - 1979 Osaka City University Faculty of Economics Department of Economics
- - 1979 Osaka City University Faculty of Economics
Professional career (2):
- Ph.D.(economics)
- M.A.(economics)
Committee career (1):
Awards (3):
- 2006 - 日本郵政公社総裁賞
- 2001 - 全国銀行学術研究振興財団賞
- 1988 - 日経経済図書文化賞
Association Membership(s) (7):
, East Asian Economic Association
, 日本ファイナンス学会
, 生活経済学会
, 日本金融学会
, 日本経済学会
, Association of Behavioral Economics and Finance
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