Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
Study on Plastic Greenhouse culture of Mango(┣DBMangifera(/)-┫DB ┣DBindica(/)-┫DB L. )
MISC (50):
Effects of the inflorescence thining on the yield and profitin in ‘Irwin’ mango trees grown under plastic house condition. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF TROPICAL AGRICULTURE. 2003. 47. Extra issue1
ハウス栽培マンゴーにおける摘花穂処理が収量および収益性に及ぼす影響. 日本熱帯農業学会第93回講演会. 2003. 47. Extra issuel
Effects of the inflorescence thining on the yield and profitin in ‘Irwin’ mango trees grown under plastic house condition. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF TROPICAL AGRICULTURE. 2003. 47. Extra issue1