Research theme for competitive and other funds (41):
2024 - 2029 Emergence of brain functions from the dynamic connectome
2021 - 2023 Functional analysis of the cortical microcircuit in CNTNAP2 knock-out mouse.
2020 - 2023 新皮質運動野におけるトップダウン入力と局所振動の機能連関
2019 - 2023 Correlated LM and EM analysis of cortical microcircuit remodeling during learning
2017 - 2022 Cortical local circuits for multi-area interconnectivity and parallel processing
2014 - 2019 Morphological analysis of neurocircuit for adaptive shift
2018 - 2019 光電子相関解析による大脳皮質運動野の視床-皮質神経線維の解析
2016 - 2019 運動学習に伴う大脳皮質運動野の神経局所回路の可塑的変化
2014 - 2019 運動学習の獲得と実現に関わる神経回路の構造基盤と機能変化
2013 - 2018 Quantitative analysis of synaptic contacts on cortical pyramidal cells
2017 - 2018 ATUMtomeを使った連続 EMの画像撮影法の開発
2016 - 2017 大脳皮質局所神経回路のシャンデリア細胞の機能的役割
2013 - 2017 大脳皮質神経細胞へのシナプス入力の定量的解析
2010 - 2016 Analysis for the functional significance of area and layer selective genes
2014 - 2015 連続電子顕微鏡神経細胞画像の自動セグメンテーションソフトウェアの開発
2012 - 2014 Differences in size of cortical synapses underly distinct modes of inhibitory control
2009 - 2014 大脳領域間結合と局所回路網の統合的解析
2012 - 2013 連続電子顕微鏡神経微細構造イメージからの3次元再構築処理
2012 - 2013 大脳皮質の錐体細胞へのシナプス入力分布とその動態
2012 - 2013 領野・層発現分子の機能的意義の解明
2012 - 2013 大脳皮質のシナプス結合とその機能洞察
2010 - 2012 大脳皮質局所神経回路の抑制性シナプスの機能的解析
2010 - 2012 Estimation of functional connectivity of neuronal network from spike data
2009 - 2012 Integration of cortical micro and macro circuits
2010 - 2011 大脳皮質局所神経回路の抑制性シナプスの機能的解析
2008 - 2010 Excitatory and Inhibitory synapse distribution on cortical neurons
2008 - 2009 大脳皮質局所神経回路の要素の形態特性とダイナミクス解析
2006 - 2007 大脳皮質の各種非錐体細胞のシナプス入出力の形態解析
2005 - 2006 大脳皮質マイクロサーキットのシナプス回路構築
2003 - 2005 大脳皮質微細局所神経回路のダブルブーケ細胞の構造と機能
2004 - 2004 前頭皮質における軸索表現型と神経結合特異性
2002 - 2003 Postsynaptic structures of axon terminals of cortical double bouquet cells
2002 - 2002 前頭皮質回路の単位構造の解析
2001 - 2002 大脳皮質の局所神経回路構築の形態的解析
1999 - 2000 電子顕微鏡像3次元再構築法による大脳皮質の微細局所神経回路の形態的研究
1997 - 1999 Cortical GABAergic Cell Subtypes and Their Synaptic Connections
1998 - 1998 大脳皮質錐体細胞棘突起へのシナプス入力の3次元再構築による考察
1997 - 1998 線条体のGABA作働性介在細胞の多様性
1995 - 1995 大脳の局所回路ニュ-ロンの機能
1994 - 1994 大脳皮質と線状体の介在細胞の類似性
1993 - 1993 大脳皮質におけるNO合成酵素含有非錘体細胞について
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Papers (90):
Yoshihisa Ishihara, Fumi Sato, Alix Guinet, Sabine Grosser, Imre Vida, Yoshiyuki Kubota, Chitoshi Takayama. Number of subfields of the rat dorsal subiculum defined by NOS and PCP4 immunoreactivity changes according to different levels of observation. Neuroscience. 2025. 568. 285-297
Jaerin Sohn, Mototaka Suzuki, Mohammed Youssef, Sayuri Hatada, Matthew E Larkum, Yasuo Kawaguchi, Yoshiyuki Kubota. Presynaptic supervision of cortical spine dynamics in motor learning. Science advances. 2022. 8. 30. eabm0531
S Sara Aghvami, Yoshiyuki Kubota, Veronica Egger. Anatomical and Functional Connectivity at the Dendrodendritic Reciprocal Mitral Cell-Granule Cell Synapse: Impact on Recurrent and Lateral Inhibition. Frontiers in neural circuits. 2022. 16. 933201-933201
Hidetoshi Urakubo, Sho Yagishita, Haruo Kasai, Yoshiyuki Kubota, Shin Ishii. The critical balance between dopamine D2 receptor and RGS for the sensitive detection of a transient decay in dopamine signal. PLoS computational biology. 2021. 17. 9. e1009364
Linjing Fang, Fred Monroe, Sammy Weiser Novak, Lyndsey Kirk, Cara R. Schiavon, Seungyoon B. Yu, Tong Zhang, Melissa Wu, Kyle Kastner, Alaa Abdel Latif, et al. Deep learning-based point-scanning super-resolution imaging. Nature Methods. 2021. 18. 4. 406-416
Katherine L. Villa, Kalen P. Berry, Jaichandar Subramanian, Jae Won Cha, Won Chan Oh, Hyung-Bae Kwon, Yoshiyuki Kubota, Peter T. C. So, Elly Nedivi. Inhibitory Synapses Are Repeatedly Assembled and Removed at Persistent Sites In Vivo (vol 89, pg 756, 2016). NEURON. 2016. 90. 3. 662-664