J-GLOBAL ID:200901075140930570
Update date: Nov. 02, 2024
Yoshihara Tsukasa
ヨシハラ ツカサ | Yoshihara Tsukasa
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
International law
Research keywords (6):
duty to cooperate
, RFMO's
, High Sea Fisheries
, International Law of the Sea
, 個人の権利
, 国際紛争
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 2023 - 2028 海洋文化遺産をめぐる海洋総合知創出プロジェクト
- 2023 - 2024 多文化共生社会の構築に向けた法的課題の検討
- 2020 - 2023 国際法の形成における太平洋島嶼国の限界と可能性-日本の支援政策転換を目指して
- 2021 - 2022 パンデミック及びポスト・パンデミックにおける海上資源輸送路の複線化と港湾機能強化が我が国のエネルギー安定供給にもたらす相乗効果-ロシア北極圏及び中央アジアからの資源輸送と受入れ港湾の整備にむけて-
Papers (7):
TsukasaYOSHIHARA. Conflicts and harmonisation of voluntary guidelines and traditional management systems in Pacific Island countries to ensure sustainable small-scale fisheries. legal culture seen from sea. 2024. 169-192
Tsukasa YOSHIHARA. Treatment of non-parties in the management of fisheries resources in RFMO's. Currents in Contemporary International Law I. 2020. 421-433
TsukasaYOSHIHARA. • The legal status of regional fisheries bodies in the high seas order - with reference to enforcement by CCSBT,. The role of law in building a sustainable society. 2017. 29-48
TsukasaYOSHIHARA. Effective exercise of jurisdiction over vessels and its impact on the competitiveness of Japanese ports. Legal research on the “region”. 2015. 171-193
TsukasaYOSHIHARA. Critical review of "Humanization" of consular law. Himeji Law Revieqw. 2009. 50. 300-272
MISC (5):
Tsukasa, YOSHIHARA. Immigration Control and “Home Country” in the Promotion of Intercultural Society : Focusing on an Examination of Article 12, Paragraph 4 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. 2024. 7-26
TsukasaYOSHIHARA. The Palau Marine Sanctuary Act and its deepening links with international instruments and international legal norms - with a focus on aid and cooperation related to fisheries. Pacific Island Studies. 2023. 10. 113-134
TsukasaYOSHIHARA. (Book review)The New Entrants Problem in International Fisheries Law, (Andrew Serdy, 2016, Cambridge University Press). 2017. 60. 39-45
TsukasaYOSHIHARA. (Book review)The Changing Role of Nationality in International Law, (Alessandra Annoni and Serena Forlati eds., Routledge). Himeji Law Review. 2014. 55. 171-176
TsukasaYOSHIHARA. (Book review)The Competing Jurisdictions of International Courts and Tribunals, (Yuval Shany,2003, Oxford University Press). The Journal of International Law and Diplomacy. 2004. 102. 4. 182-185
Books (2):
International Law Living in the Contemporary World
Shogaku-sha 2022 ISBN:9784860311629
Constitutional law through precedents
Houritsu-Bunka-sha 2022 ISBN:9784589042057
Lectures and oral presentations (5):
• Legal policy implications of the obligation to provide assistance to developing countries under the UN High Seas Fisheries Implementation Agreement - with a focus on assistance to Pacific island countries
(15th Convention, Japan Society of Ocean Policy 2023)
Conflicts and harmonisation between international guidelines in fisheries resource management and traditional management systems in Pacific island countries - with reference to fisheries resource management in Palau
(24th Convention, Japan Society for Legal Culture 2023)
Legal issues associated with the maritime transport of LNG using the Arctic Ocean shipping routes - trends in relevant foreign countries and towards the development of LNG receiving ports in Japan
(13th Convention, Japan Society of Ocean Policy 2021)
Socio-economic factors in the passage and amendment of the Palau Marine Sanctuary Act - a cross-section of fisheries related to Pacific Island countries,
(3rd Online Convention, Japan Society for Pacific Islands Studies 2020)
Legal and policy significance of the FAO Voluntary Guidelines for Compliance with Flag State Responsibility as a measure against IUU
(10th Anniversary Convention, Japan Society of Ocean Policy 2018)
Work history (4):
- 2023/10 - 現在 Himeji Dokkyo University School of Human and Social Studies professor
- 2016/04 - 2023/09 Himeji Dokkyo University School of Human and Social Studies Associate Professor
- 2009/10 - 2016/03 Himeji Dokkyo University Faculty of Law Associate Professor
- 2008/04 - 2009/09 Himeji Dokkyo University Faculty of Law lecturer
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