J-GLOBAL ID:200901075257127875
Update date: Sep. 02, 2022
Nambu Noboru
ナンブ ノボル | Nambu Noboru
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
History - Japan
Research keywords (2):
, Early history of Japan
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
- 古代の都
- 古代人の姓
- 戸の編成と戸籍
- Ancient county
- Surname of ancient people
- Organization of households, and the census registers
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MISC (12):
古代日本の親族呼称『姉』について. 古代文化. 1994. 46. 7. 37-45
NANBU Noboru. A Study of the Interpretation of the Chinese Character "姉"(Elder Sister), from an 8th Century Family Register in Japan. CULTURA ANTIQUA. 1994. 46. 7. 37-45
カバネ「直」とカバネ「国造」. 日本歴史. 1990. 500
A Clan Name ┣DBAtai(/)-┫DB and A Clan Name ┣DBKokuz(]J1155[)(/)-┫DB. Journal of Japanese History. 1990. 500
籍帳研究史の二つの問題. 日本史研究. 1984. 260
Books (10):
『戸籍と身分登録』(早稲田大学出版部) 1996
The Household Registers in early Japan and the clan in the 8th Century
The Household Registers and the Registration of people's status 1996
日本古代の社会と政治 (吉川弘文館 刊) 1995
An Analysis of Children who were registered at their mother's Household Registers in 8th century
Society and Politics in Early Japan 1995
新人物往来社刊「新視点日本の歴史」3 1993
Professional career (2):
Committee career (2):
- 1986 - 北大史学会 編集委員会委員長
- 1983 - 北海道教育大学史学会 幹事
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 北海道教育大学史学会
, 北大史学会
, 続日本紀研究会
, 木簡学会
, 史学会
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