2014 - 2017 Role of bioactive oxidized lipid in urothelial carcinoma
2007 - 2008 Improvement of renal cell carcinoma treatment using hypoxia inducible factor control
2004 - 2005 Role of Cdc25 protein in hormone refractory prostate cancer
2002 - 2003 Role of hypoxia inducible factor-1α in renal cancer
1999 - 2000 Role of metallothionein on carcinogenesis and tumor progression in bladder cancer.
1999 - 2000 Investigation of cancer growth factors in hormone refractory prostate cancer.
1997 - 1998 膀胱癌におけるシスプラチン耐性因子とアポトーシス発現についての究明
1996 - 1998 膀胱腫瘍予後規定因子としてのp53とその修飾因子の究明
1996 - 1997 Physiological and Clinical Implication of Metallothionein
1996 - 1996 腎細胞癌における予後因子としての核組織中のメタロチオネインの役割
Hypoxia and neovascularization in cancer cells
Biological characterization of bladder tumor and its clinical application
Role of SH compound in cancer chemotherapy
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Papers (327):
Shunsuke Ikuma, Jun Akatsuka, Hikaru Mikami, Kotaro Obayashi, Yuki Endo, Hayato Takeda, Go Kimura, Yukihiro Kondo. Association between combination of VI-RADS based on T2WI and morphological features and pathological outcome and prognosis in bladder cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2025. 43. 5_suppl. 690-690
Hayato Takeda, Jun Akatsuka, Tomonari Kiriyama, Yuka Toyama, Yasushi Numata, Hiromu Morikawa, Kotaro Tsutsumi, Mami Takadate, Hiroya Hasegawa, Hikaru Mikami, et al. Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer Prediction Using Multimodal Deep Learning with Prostate-Specific Antigen Restriction. Current Oncology. 2024. 31. 11. 7180-7189
S. Ikuma, J. Akatsuka, H. Takeda, Y. Endo, T. Hamasaki, G. Kimura, Y. Kondo. O11 The quantification of morphological features of bladder cancer could improve diagnostic performance of VI-RADS and correlated to pathological features. European Urology Open Science. 2024. 69. 394-394
Masato Yanagi, Tomonari Kiriyama, Jun Akatsuka, Yuki Endo, Yuka Toyama, Go Kimura, Taiji Nishimura, Yukihiro Kondo. Role of collateral vessels on contrast-enhanced computed tomography in predicting metastatic potential for small renal cell carcinoma. Discover oncology. 2024. 15. 1. 523-523
S. Ikuma, J. Akatsuka, Y. Endo, H. Takeda, G. Kimura, Y. Kondo. 2004P The combination of high levels of serum cytokeratin fragment 21-1 and VI-RADS≧4 has diagnostic and prognostic value in high-stage bladder cancer. Annals of Oncology. 2024. 35. S1158-S1158
Clinical use of bismuth compound as an adjunct in chemotherapy with cis-DDP against human urological tumors.
Metallothionein III Birkhauser Verlag Basel 1993
Lectures and oral presentations (4):
(泌尿器外科 2019)
(泌尿器外科 2019)
(泌尿器外科 2019)
(泌尿器外科 2019)
Education (2):
- 1985 Nippon Medical School Medical School Department of Medicine
- 1985 Nippon Medical School Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (1):
Ph.D. of medicine (Nippon Medical School)
Work history (8):
2009/04 - 現在 Nippon Medical School Department of Urology Professor
2000/04 - 2009/03 Nippon Medical School Department of Urology Sub-Professor
1996/04 - 2000/03 Nippon Medical School. Dept. of Urology Associate Professor
1992 - 1995 Research associate in Dept. of Pharmacology, University of Pittsburgh
1990 - 1992 Research associate in Dept. of Urology, Nippon Medical School.
Kitasato University School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Nippon Medical School
Nippon Medical School Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Department of Urology Associate professor
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Committee career (2):
2014/04 - 2020/03 日本泌尿器科学会 代議員 理事
2014/04 - 2016/03 日本学術振興会 学術研究センター 研究員
Association Membership(s) (10):
, 米国泌尿器科学会
, 日本癌治療学会
, 日本癌学会
, 日本泌尿器科学会
, American Cancer Association
, American Urological association
, Japanese Association of Clinical Oncology
, Japanese Association of Cancer Reserach
, Japanese Urological Association