J-GLOBAL ID:200901076103352899
Update date: May. 08, 2020
Chen Yigang
チェン イガン | Chen Yigang
Affiliation and department:
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
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YG Chen, M Ogura, T Makino, S Yamasaki, H Okushi. Diamond Schottky barrier diodes with low specific on-resistance. SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2005. 20. 12. 1203-1206
T Makino, H Kato, SG Ri, YG Chen, H Okushi. Electrical characterization of homoepitaxial diamond p-n(+) junction. DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS. 2005. 14. 11-12. 1995-1998
YG Chen, M Ogura, S Yamasaki, H Okushi. Ohmic contacts on p-type homoepitaxial diamond and their thermal stability. SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2005. 20. 8. 860-863
YG Chen, A Ogura, S Yamasaki, H Okushi. Investigation of specific contact resistance of ohmic contacts to B-doped homoepitaxial diamond using transmission line model. DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS. 2004. 13. 11-12. 2121-2124
YG Chen, M Ogura, M Kondo, H Okushi. High-performance diamond/amorphous silicon p-n(+) heterojunctions. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 2004. 85. 11. 2110-2112
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