Research field (5):
Machine materials and mechanics
, Composite materials and interfaces
, Safety engineering
, Social systems engineering
, Educational technology
2002 - 2004 On Estimation of Mechanical Behavior and Reliability of Electonic Devices considering an effect of manufacturing process
2002 - 2004 Non-local Stress Analysis of Heterogeneous Media by Image-based. Mesh Superposition Method and Its Verification
2004 - 拡散・火災・爆発災害を考慮した化学プラントの災害シミュレーション手法の開発
2004 - ミクロ・マクロ応力解析技術
2004 - CT画像併用人工関節設計システム開発および複合材料製ステムの製作
2004 - 革新的設計・生産方式の開発と次世代光・電子融合システムの創成
2003 - 拡散・火災・爆発災害を考慮した化学プラントの災害シミュレーション手法の開発
2002 - マクロ-ミクロ領域の力学的評価のための繊維強化複合材料の損傷挙動評価手法の開発
2002 - Effect of Damage Development on Macro-Micro Mechanical Behavior of FRP
2002 - 拡散・火災・爆発災害を考慮した化学プラントの災害シミュレーション手法の開発
2002 - マクロ-ミクロ領域の力学的評価のための織物複合材料の設計・損傷挙動評価手法の開発
2002 - Super Impose法を用いた製造プロセスを考慮した電子デバイスの信頼性評価
2001 - 拡散・火災・爆発災害を考慮した化学プラントのリスク評価に関する研究
1999 - 2000 Development of High-speed Simulator for Composite Structures based on Hierarchical Modeling and Its Verification
2000 - 災害シミュレーションに基づく化学プラントの信頼性評価に関する研究
1999 - 災害シミュレーションに基づく化学プラントの信頼性評価に関する研究
Proposal of reliability estimation method of fatigue margin considering an effect of small number of samples
Proposal of disaster simulation and risk assessment method of chemical plants
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Papers (256):
Fuchigami Y, Hara K, Kurashiki T, Takeda H. Educational Efficacy of an OJE (One the Job Education)-based Practical Group Exercise. E. 2024. 72. 5. 5_35-5_39
Ken FUJITA, Tetsusei KURASHIKI, Keishiro HARA, Takashi NAKAMURA, Junji IKEDA. Analysis of the Impacts of External Evaluation and the Lasting Effects of Future Design Workshop. Journal of JSEE. 2024. 72. 5. 5_2-5_9
Takahiro IZUMI, Tetsusei KURASHIKI, Xingsheng LI, Kazutaka MUKOYAMA, Koushu HANAKI. Evaluation of mechanical characterization and deformation for filaments under sliding behavior. Journal of Textile Engineering. 2024. 70. 3. 22-28
FUJITA Ken, KURASHIKI Tetsusei, HARA Keishiro, IKEDA Junji, NAKAMURA Takashi. Analysis of the Effects of Adopting “Imaginary Future Generations” on the Design of Technology Development and Business Proposal - a Case Study of Workshop at a Plating Processing. Proceedings of Ecodesign 2023. 2023. 955-962
Fujita K, Tanahara W, Kurashiki T, Hara K, Ikeda J, Nakamura K. A Study on the Effectiveness of Workshops for Proposition of Sustainable Business Based on Future Design. Proceedings of the Japan Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability 2023. 2023. 301-307
Keishiro Hara, Yukari Fuchigami, Yutaka Nomaguchi, Tetsusei Kurashiki, Masahiro Eguchi. Evaluation Criteria for R&D adopting “Imaginary Future Generations”- a Deliberation Experiment in an Engineering Company. SSRN Electric Journal. 2023
藤本森峰, 向山和孝, 倉敷哲生, 中西康雅, 倉田星哉, 麻生祥史, 楠戸一正. Evaluation of Vibration-Damping Property of Woven Fabric Multi-Layer Composites Based on Hysteresis Loop. 日本複合材料合同会議(Web). 2023. 14th
近藤元貴, 細見知広, 若本和仁, 渕上ゆかり, 原圭史郎, 倉敷哲生. 2D17 Workshop on Potential Needs of Food Market for Graduate Students and Business Person -Effects of Discussion on Imaginary Future Generation-. 工学教育研究講演会講演論文集(Web). 2021. 2021
藤本森峰, 倉敷哲生, 花木宏修, 向山和孝, LI Xingsheng. Estimation of Fatigue Life of Woven FRP Laminate Based on Multiscale Numerical Analysis of Damage Development. 日本複合材料合同会議(Web). 2020. 11th
藤本森峰, 向山和孝, 倉敷哲生, 花木宏修, LI Xingsheng. Fatigue Life Prediction and Damage Evaluation of Woven laminated material Based on Numerical analysis of damage development. 日本材料学会学術講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM). 2020. 69th