J-GLOBAL ID:200901076830695472
Update date: Jan. 25, 2023
Nakashima Tomoko
ナカシマ トモコ | Nakashima Tomoko
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Local studies
Research keywords (2):
, American Studies
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- アメリカの「日本」観、ジャポニスム
- US-Japan cultural history, Japonisme
Papers (7):
Nakashima Tomoko. Examining Japanese Jewelry Industry of the Late Meiji and Taisho Period from the Policy of the Higher Technological School of Tokyo and Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce. The Bulletin of the School of Cultural and Social Studies Tokai University. 2022. 8. 1-21
Japanese Victorian Jewelry in the Late Meiji "High Collar" Culture. 2020. 3. 1-21
Nakashima Tomoko. Japanese Leading Jewelry Makers of the Taisho Period and the Establishment of the Tokyo Precious Metal Products Manufacturing Union. 2019. 1. 1-29
Nakashima Tomoko. Japanese Eclectic Art Jewelry of the Meiji Period: From Export to Domestic Consumtion. 2017. 106. 106. 31-45
Nakashima Tomoko. Encountering Western Jewelry Culture in the Early Meiji Period in Japan. 2015. 31. 175-194
MISC (5):
Nakashima Tomoko. Defining"Japanese Art" in America. The Japanese Journal of American Studies. 2006. 17. 245-262
Nakashima Tomoko. The Formative Years of the Transpacific Networks Promoting Japanese Studies in America. Pacific and American studies. 2004. 4. 4. 111-127
中島朋子. 「日本製陶磁器のアメリカ市場開拓ーアメリカ文化史からの考察」. 『近代陶磁』. 2004. 5. 2-10
Tomoko Nakashima. The Vogue for Things Japanese in American Aesthetic Movement. The Komaba journal of area studies,the University of Tokyo. 2000. 4. 157-176頁-176
中島朋子. 「アメリカのエステティック・ムーブメントにおける日本の美術工芸品の受容」. 『近代画説』. 10. 14-32頁
Lectures and oral presentations (3):
(日本アメリカ学会 2002)
(明治美術学会 2000)
The Vogue for Things Japanese in the American Aesthetic Movement
(GRASP研究会(大学院生アメリカ研究会) 2000)
Education (1):
- 1998 - 2005 The University of Tokyo
Professional career (3):
- Ph.D (The University of Tokyo)
- Master of Art (The University of Tokyo)
- Bachelor of Art (Ferris University)
Association Membership(s) (2):
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