J-GLOBAL ID:200901077091823196
Update date: Sep. 12, 2024
Hosoda Yuri
Hosoda Yuri
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (2):
Foreign language education
, Linguistics
Research keywords (5):
Second Language Acquisition
, Conversation Analysis
, Second Language Acquisition
, Conversation Analysis
, 第二言語教育
Research theme for competitive and other funds (14):
- 2023 - Learning Language and Culture Through Social Interaction During Tours Conduct ed at Cultural Heritage Sites and Its Application to Second Language Educatio n
- 2019 - 2023 第二言語を用いた観光ツアーにおける相互行為能力と英語教育への応用
- 2022 - 2025 Collaborative construction of emergent grammar in Japanese university English language learning tasks: From graphic materials to spoken and written production
- 2018 - 2022 Formulaic utterances deployed as stance markers in Japanese university English language learners' peer discussion tasks
- 2015 - 2018 Learning to argue, support, and defend a stance in a second language: Interactional features of conflict talk sequences in university English peer discussion tasks
- 2011 - 2014 グローバリズムに伴う社会変容と言語政策に関する包括的研究
- 2011 - 2013 Observational study of university students' interactional competence: Short-time and longitudinal study
- 2008 - 2011 Longitudinal study of elementary school English Activities : Learning processes of students and university student supporters
- 2000 - 2010 Conversation Analysis of ordinary conversation in English and Japanese
- 2000 - 2010 Conversation Analysis for Second Language Acquisition Studies (CA for SLA)
- 2006 - 2007 University students' interactional competence in English: Conversation analysis of group work
- 2004 - 2007 日本語日常会話の会話分析のための基礎づくり
- 2004 - 2007 An Observational Study of English Activities Classes in Japanese Public Elementary Schools
- 2003 - 2004 IT教材の問題点解決と改良を目指す基礎研究
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Papers (56):
Yuri Hosoda & David Aline. Actions of known-answer questions in guided tours: Designing further talk and soliciting participation. Pragmatics and Society. 2024. Online first
David Aline and Yuri Hosoda. Layers of oriented-to identities in language learner peer discussion tasks. TESOL Quarterly. 2024
David Aline and Yuri Hosoda. Differentiating Winners and Losers Through Question Structures in Post-Competition Televised Media Interviews. 2023. 209. 1-23
Yuri Hosoda & David Aline. Deployment of <I>I don't know</I> and <I>wakannai</I> in second language classroom peer discussions. Text and Talk. 2022. 42. 1. 27-49
Yuri Hosoda & David Aline. Establishing joint attention with multimodal resources in lingua franca guided tours. Learning, culture, and Social Interaction. 2021. 31. A. 1-20
Books (4):
Basics of Conversation Analysis
English language policy in South Korea: A holistic model approach to the study of language policy research in educational contexts
Hitsuji Shobo 2014
Teacher deployment of applause in interactional assessments of L2 learners.
G. Kasper, H. Nguyen, D. Yoshimi, & J. K. Yoshioka (Eds.), Pragmatics & Language Learning, 12, University of Hawai'i National Foreign Language Resource Center. 2010
L2 Learners' Orientation to Multimodal Activities in Peer Activities.
T. Greer (Ed.), Observing Talk: Conversation Analytic Studies of Second Language Interaction. The Japan Association for Language Teaching. 2010
Lectures and oral presentations (69):
Constructing stance through deployment of direct reported speech in activities for second language learning
(The 1st International Symposium on Conversation Analysis (CARDIT) 2024)
Initiating informing sequences in English as a lingua franca tours
(The 1st International Symposium on Conversation Analysis (CARDIT) 2024)
Guide Deployment of Questions as a Resource for Designing Tours for Particular Visitors
(International Conference on Conversation Analysis 2023 2023)
Direct reported speech marshaled to support stance in discussions for language learning
(American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference (AAAL) 2023 2023)
Actions and positions of guide questioning in second language tours
(American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference (AAAL) 2023 2023)
Works (63):
Mobility turns for achieving mutual orientation: Lingua franca interaction in an Asian campus tour
Hosoda, Y. & Aline, D. 2019 -
Japanese learners' interactional deployment of English I don't know and Japanese wakannai in classroom discussions for language learning
Aline, D. & Hosoda, Y. 2019 -
Deployment of formulaic utterances with how about during second language discussion tasks
Hosoda, Y. & Aline, D. 2019 -
Claims of lack of knowledge among Japanese learners of English during task-based discussions for language learning
Aline, D. & Hosoda, Y. 2019 -
Lingua franca interaction in mobility turns during an Asian campus tour
2019 -
Awards (2):
- 2020 - 社会言語科学会 第20回徳川宗賢賞(萌芽賞) 自閉症スペクトラムの青年と療育者の日常の相互行為 -療育者からの極性疑問文とその応答に関する考察-
- 2020 - 社会言語科学界 第20回徳川宗賢賞(萌芽賞) 自閉症スペクトラムの青年と療育者の日常の相互行為 -療育者からの極性疑問文とその応答に関する考察-
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