J-GLOBAL ID:200901077272390712
Update date: Apr. 26, 2020
Motoyama Satoru
モトヤマ サトル | Motoyama Satoru
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Obstetrics and gynecology
Research keywords (2):
, Sexuakky Transmitted Disease(STD)
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
- 抗がん剤投与経路開発
- 婦人科癌化学療法における薬剤投与法に関する研究
- 人工リンパ管造設
- 下大静脈分離活性炭吸着動注化学療法
- development of drug delivery system for oncodrugs
- Drug delivery system in gynecologic cancer
- artificial lymphoressel replacement
- Intraarterial chemotherapy under inferior venacaval isolation and charcoal hemoperfosion
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MISC (29):
S Motoyama, S Hamana, Y Ku, JB Laoag-Fernandez, M Deguchi, S Yoshida, M Tominaga, T Iwasaki, N Ohara, T Maruo. Neoadjuvant high-dose intraarterial infusion chemotherapy under percutaneous pelvic perfusion with extracorporeal chemofiltration in patients with stages IIIa-lVa cervical cancer. GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY. 2004. 95. 3. 576-582
T Asghar, S Yoshida, S Kennedy, K Negoro, W Zhuo, S Hamana, S Motoyama, S Nakago, D Barlow, T Maruo. The tumor necrosis factor-alpha promoter-1031C polymorphism is associated with decreased risk of endometriosis in a Japanese population. HUMAN REPRODUCTION. 2004. 19. 11. 2509-2514
Peluci infusion chamotherapy for advanced cervical cancer of uterus with charcoalbemoperfusion using extracorporial circuit. Advances in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 1998. 65. 1/71
Peluic infusion chemotherapy for advanced cervical cancer of uterus with charcoalbemoperfusion using extracorporial circuit. Advances in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 1998. 65. 1/71
Laparoscopic colpoplasty. Acta Obstetrica et Gynaecologica Japonica. 1998. 50. 7/176
Books (2):
Toxemia of Pregnancy and Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone system -especially, Angiotensin-(]G0002[) loacling test-
Pathophysiology and Management of Toxemia of Pregnancy 1982
Works (2):
Development of Single,Compact Htracopoeal circulato
Professional career (1):
- Doctor of Medicine (Kobe University)
Committee career (6):
- 1998 - 2004 兵庫県産婦人科会 理事・学術委員・評議員
- 1998 - 2004 日本産科婦人科学会 代議員
- 1998 - 2004 日本産科婦人科学会 編集委員
- 1996 - 2004 近畿産科婦人科学会 常任編集委員・評議員・腫瘍研究部会委員・学術委員
- 1996 - 2004 日本妊娠高血圧学会 幹事
- 1998 - 国際妊娠高血圧症会議 幹事
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Awards (1):
Association Membership(s) (15):
American Sexually Transmitted Disease Association
, 日本婦人科腫瘍学会
, 兵庫県産婦人科会
, 産婦人科漢方研究会
, 近畿産科婦人科学会
, 日本外科系連合学会
, 日本性感染症学会
, 日本婦人科腫瘍マーカー・遺伝子診断学会
, 日本婦人科悪性腫瘍化学療法学会
, 国際妊娠高血圧症会議
, 日本更年期医学会
, 日本妊娠高血圧学会
, 日本産婦人科手術学会
, 日本癌治療学会
, 日本産科婦人科学会
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