J-GLOBAL ID:200901077576658088
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024
Makino Yasuo
Makino Yasuo
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Research field (1):
Obstetrics and gynecology
Research keywords (2):
, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
1995 - 1996 Relationship between pregnant uterine smooth muscle contraction and clinical disease
Adrenomedullin and pregnancy
Nitric oxide and Umbilical cord
Prenatal diagnosis
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Papers (3):
Makino, I, Y Makino, F Yoshihara, T Nishikimi, T Kawarabayashi, K Kangawa, K Shibata. Decreased mature adrenomedullin levels in feto-maternal tissues of pregnant women with histologic chorioamnionitis. BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS. 2003. 301. 2. 437-442
Makino, I, K Shibata, Y Makino, K Kangawa, T Kawarabayashi. Potentiation of the hypotensive effect of adrenomedullin in pregnant rats. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY. 1999. 385. 2-3. 129-136
Makino, I, Y Makino, K Kangawa, K Shibata. Attenuated hypotensive response to proadrenomedullin N-terminal 20 peptide in pregnant rats: modulation by steroid hormones. PEPTIDES. 1999. 20. 12. 1521-1525
MISC (25):
牧野康男, 浜田一志, 野尻記子, 瓦林達比古. 子宮破裂を伴った嵌入胎盤の1例. 新生児誌. 2003. 39. 845-849
Makino, I, Y Makino, H Hosoda, M Kojima, K Kangawa, K Shibata, T Kawarabayashi. Alteration of plasma ghrelin levels associated with the blood pressure in normotensive and pregnancy-induced hypertensive women. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY. 2002. 88. 147P-147P
Makino, I, Y Makino, H Hosoda, M Kojima, K Kangawa, K Shibata, T Kawarabayashi. Alteration of plasma ghrelin levels associated with the blood pressure in normotensive and pregnancy-induced hypertensive women. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY. 2002. 88. 147P-147P
Y Makino, K Shibata, Makino, I, K Kangawa, T Kawarabayashi. Alteration of the adrenomedullin receptor components gene expression-associated with the blood pressure in pregnancy-induced hypertension. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM. 2001. 86. 10. 5079-5082
Y Makino, K Shibata, Makino, I, K Kangawa, T Kawarabayashi. Alteration of the adrenomedullin receptor components gene expression-associated with the blood pressure in pregnancy-induced hypertension. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM. 2001. 86. 10. 5079-5082
Education (2):
- 1985 Fukuoka University Faculty of Medicine School of Medicine
- 1985 Fukuoka University Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (7):
, International association for the study of pain
, 日本周産期学会
, 日本超音波医学会
, 日本新生児学会
, 日本産科婦人科学会
, Endocrinology
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