J-GLOBAL ID:200901077710603732   Update date: Dec. 19, 2022

Osada Yoshio

オサダ ヨシオ | Osada Yoshio
Affiliation and department:
Job title: -
Research field  (2): Immunology ,  Parasitology
Research keywords  (6): 生体防御 ,  免疫 ,  寄生虫 ,  biological defense ,  immunity ,  parasite
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (2):
  • 1993 - 2010 住血吸虫症
  • 1993 - 2010 schistosomiasis
MISC (31):
Professional career (2):
  • Doctor (The University of Tokyo)
  • Master(Medical Science) (Osaka University)
Association Membership(s) (8):
日本炎症・再生医学会 ,  日本免疫学会 ,  日本熱帯医学会 ,  日本寄生虫学会 ,  Japan Association for International Health ,  Japanese Society for Immunology ,  Japanese Society of Tropical Medicine ,  The Japanese Society of Parasitology
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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