J-GLOBAL ID:200901077880379799
Update date: Aug. 28, 2020
Miyakawa Isao
ミヤカワ イサオ | Miyakawa Isao
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Obstetrics and gynecology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
- 卵巣機能とサイトカインに関する研究
- 子宮内膜機能とサイトカインに関する研究
- ヒトにおける陣痛発来機構に関する研究
- 顆粒膜細胞におけるトランスフェリンのプロゲステロン産生能におよぼす影響
- 羊膜細胞におけるプロラクチンのアラキドン酸代謝におよぼす影響
- Studies on the initiation of labor in human
- Inhibitory effect of transferrin on progesterone production in the granulosa cell.
- Effect of prolactin on the metabolism of arachidonic acid in the amniotic cells
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MISC (201):
Successful cerclage in two patients with advanced cervical dilatation in the second trimester. Noriyuki Takai, Masakazu Nishida, Kenichiro Urata, Akitoshi Yuge, Isao Miyakawa. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2003. 268(2): 102-104
Spontaneous pregnancy in a 45,X/46,X,r(X)Turner's mosaic patient. Akitoshi Yuge, Noriyuki Takai, Yoshihiro Nishida, Hisashi Narahara, Isao Miyakawa. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2003. 82(8): 775-776
Ureteral and sigmoid obstruction caused by pelvic actinomycosis in an intrauterine contraceptive device user. Kaei Nasu, Harunobu Matsumoto, Jun Yoshimatsu, Isao Miyakawa. Gynecol Obstet Invest. 2003. 54(4): 228-231
The significance of Elf-1 expression in epithelial ovarian carcinoma. Noriyuki Takai, Tami Miyazaki, Masakazu Nishida, Kaei Nasu, Isao Miyakawa. Int J Mol Med. 2003. 12(3): 349-354
CaMKIV expression is associated with clinical stage and PCNA-labeling index in endometrial carcinoma. Sujie Shang, Noriyuki Takai,Masakazu Nishida, Tami Miyazaki, Kaei Nasu, Isao Miyakawa. Int J Mol Med. 2003. 11(2): 181-186
Books (11):
Platelet-activating factor mediated decidual cytokine network during term and preterm parturition. -A review-(jointly worked)
University of Rochester Press, New York, Trophoblast Res. 1999
The clinical evaluation of cytokines and growth factors in human follicular fluid as biological markers for oocyte maturation. (jointly worked)
Frontier in Endocrinology. Ovarian function research : Present and future. Volume 21, Serono Symposia Publications, Rome 1999
CD14 workshop : Structure of rat CD14 and the expression of rat CD14, cytokine and nitric oxide synthase mRNAs in the monocytic cell lineage. (jointly worked)
Garland Publishing, Inc. , New York 1998
Seasonal variation of subclinical vitamin K deficiency in newborn babies. (jointly worked)
Hokkaido University Press, Sappro 1998
Platelet-activating factor in human decidua : Its role in parturition and preterm labor-A Review-(jointly worked)
Trophoblast Res. 1997
Education (4):
- - 1970 Kumamoto University Kumamoto University
- - 1970 Kumamoto University Graduate School, Division of Medicine
- - 1965 Kumamoto University School of Medicine
- - 1965 Kumamoto University Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (1):
Committee career (10):
Awards (1):
- 1978 - The Pacific Coast Fertility Society (USA) : The Wyeth Award
Association Membership(s) (12):
, 日本女性心身医学会
, 日本更年期医学会
, The American Fertility Society
, 日本癌治療学会
, 日本周産期学会
, 日本胎盤学会
, 新生児産婦人科血液学会
, 日本受精着床学会
, 日本不妊学会
, 日本内分泌学会
, 日本産科婦人科学会
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