Research field (1):
Communication and network engineering
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2004 - 2006 モバイル通信のための符号系列の設計
2004 - 2006 Sequence Design for Mobile Communication
MISC (9):
"A Neu Class of 2N - ary Sequences: Construction and Properties". Joint IST Workshop on Mobile Future & Symposium on Trends in Communications. 2004. 74-77
"MRD Codes as Constitutent Codes: An Application Over the noisy T-user F-Adder Channel". the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory Journal. 2003
"T-Direct Codes: An Application Over the noiseless T-user F-Adder Channel". the IEEE Transac-tions on Information Theory Journal. 2003
"T-Direct Cyclic codes: A Neces-sary and Sufficient Condition". Proceedings of the National Seminar on Discrete Mathematics and Annual Conference of Kerala Mathematical Association. 2003
"Some Results on T-Direct Codes". Proceedings of the 3rd Asia-Europe Workshog on Information Theory. 2003. 43-44