J-GLOBAL ID:200901079551243269
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Ikenaga Takeshi
イケナガ タケシ | Ikenaga Takeshi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (3):
Communication and network engineering
, Information networks
, Computer systems
Research keywords (14):
, 省電力ネットワーク
, 無線LAN
, 通信品質制御
, 経路制御
, インターネット
, 情報ネットワーク
, Performance Evaluation
, Green ICT
, Wireless LAN
, Routing
, QoS
, Internet
, Computer Network
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
Papers (38):
Shumpei Yamasaki, Daiki Nobayashi, Kazuya Tsukamoto, Takeshi Ikenaga, Myung J. Lee. Efficient data diffusion and elimination control method for spatio-temporal data retention system. IEICE Transactions on Communications. 2021. E104B. 7. 805-816
Akihiro Satoh, Yutaka Nakamura, Yutaka Fukuda, Daiki Nobayashi, Takeshi Ikenaga. An approach for identifying malicious domain names generated by dictionary-based DGA bots. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems. 2021. E104.D. 5. 669-672
Ichiro Goto, Daiki Nobayashi, Kazuya Tsukamoto, Takeshi Ikenaga, Myung Lee. Transmission control method for data retention taking into account the low vehicle density environments. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems. 2021. E104.D. 4. 508-512
Kazuya Tsukamoto, Hitomi Tamura, Yuzo Taenaka, Daiki Nobayashi, Hiroshi Yamamoto, Takeshi Ikenaga, Myung Lee. Geolocation-centric information platform for resilient spatio-temporal content management. IEICE Transactions on Communications. 2021. E104B. 3. 199-209
Daiki Nobayashi, Ichiro Goto, Hiroki Teshiba, Kazuya Tsukamoto, Takeshi Ikenaga, Mario Gerla. Adaptive Data Transmission Control for Spatio-temporal Data Retention over Crowds of Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 2021
MISC (194):
Eiji Aoki, Shinji Otsuka, Takeshi Ikenaga, Hideaki Kawano, Masaaki Yatsuzuka. Study on Autonomous Outing Support Service for the Visually Impaired. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2020. 993. 713-722
Shumpei Yamasaki, Daiki Nobayashi, Kazuya Tsukamoto, Takeshi Ikenaga, Myung Lee. On-demand transmission interval control method for spatio-temporal data retention. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2020. 1035. 319-330
Ichiro Goto, Daiki Nobayashi, Kazuya Tsukamoto, Takeshi Ikenaga, Myung Lee. Transmission control method to realize efficient data retention in low vehicle density environments. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2020. 1035. 390-401
Atsuki Yokota, Shintaro Osada, Sora Honda, Kei Yamafuku, Takeshi Nishida, Takeshi Ikenaga, Naoki Mori, Akira Matsunaga, Kakeru Maruyama, Kyohiro Yoshida. Development of Industrial Robot System with 5th Generation Mobile Communication System. International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems. 2019. 2019-October. 851-855
Eiji Aoki, Shinji Otsuka, Takeshi Ikenaga, Masaaki Yatsuzuka, Kazuhiro Tokiwa. Study on regional transportation linkage system that enables efficient and safe movement utilizing LPWA. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2019. 772. 968-977
Patents (6):
Books (3):
九工大 世界トップ技術 Vol.3
西日本新聞社 2012 ISBN:4816708448
岩波講座 インターネット〈2〉ネットワークの相互接続
岩波書店 2001 ISBN:9784000110525
コンピュータとインターネット活用入門 - WindowsとUNIX
1999 ISBN:9784563014070
Lectures and oral presentations (244):
(電子情報通信学会 技術研究報告 2018)
(電子情報通信学会 技術研究報告 2018)
(電子情報通信学会 技術研究報告 2018)
920MHz帯を利用する異種無線通信規格間の干渉の影響調査 ~Wi-SUNとLoRaWAN間の相互干渉の影響調査~
(電子情報通信学会 技術研究報告 2018)
(電子情報通信学会 技術研究報告 2018)
Works (14):
2016 - 2019
2015 - 2017
2014 - 2015
2011 - 2014
2006 - 2011
Professional career (1):
- Ph.D (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Awards (11):
- 2021/09 - 電子情報通信学会 通信ソサイエティ 活動功労賞
- 2021/07 - INTERNET2021 Best Paper Award Path Schedulers Performance on Cellular/Wi-Fi Multipath Video Streaming
- 2020/10 - INTERNET2020 Best Paper Award Handoff Characterization of Multipath Video Streaming
- 2019/09 - IEICE 活動功労賞
- 2019/07 - INTERNET2019 Best Paper Award Managing Path Switching in Multipath Video Streaming
- 2018/06 - INTERNET2018 Best Paper Award TCP State Driven MPTCP Packet Scheduling for Streaming Video
- 2018/06 - インターネットアーキテクチャ最優秀研究賞
- 2017 - INTERNET2017 Best Paper Award
- 2017 - 電子情報通信学会 論文賞
- 2017 - 若手ポスターセッション プレゼンテーション賞
- 2016 - INTERNET2016 Best Paper Award
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Association Membership(s) (3):
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