J-GLOBAL ID:200901080279208767   Update date: Jul. 06, 2016

Azuma Shoji

アズマ ショウジ | Azuma Shoji
Research field  (2): Japanese linguistics ,  Linguistics
Research keywords  (1): Code-switching, political discourse
Papers (27):
  • 「スキーリフトに乗り合わせた北米の初対面の人たちは、どのように会話をするのか?- スモール・トークの談話分析-」. スキー研究. 2015. 12. 1
  • Japanese earthquake slogans and the persistence of wakimae (‘discernment’). VAKKI Publication 3, University of Vaasa, Finland. 2014. 3. 46-57
  • 政治家のことば:情報と情緒. 日本語学. 2012. 31. 4. 20-35
  • 橋下語の魔力を読み解く. 中央公論. 2012. 127. 8. 138-141
  • Japanese Americans and generational tensions: a case of the ethnic press the Utah Nippoo during World War 2. International Journal of the Sociology of Language. 2012. in press
Books (23):
  • The Handbook of Japanese Sociolinguistics (Volume editors: Yoshiyuki Asahi, mayumi Usami, and Fumio Inoue; General editors: Masayoshi Shibatani and Taro Kageyama)
    Mouton de Gruyter 2016
  • 戦前期SP盤レコードが拓く日本語研究(相澤正夫・金澤裕之編)
    笠間書店 2016
  • 雑談の美学(村田和代、井出里咲子編)
    ひつじ書房 2016
  • Handbook of Political Rhetorics (Edited by Armin Burkhardt)
    Mouton de Gruyter 2015
  • Rebuilding Sustainable Communities after Disasters in China, Japan and Beyond (ed. by A. Awotona)
    Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2014 ISBN:9781443858144
Lectures and oral presentations  (13):
  • Collectivism and activism on Japanese earthquake t-shirts
    (The 3rd Cross-cultural Pragmatics at a Crossroads 2013)
  • Leadership and language: the role of the persuasive power of language
    (An international Conference on Rebuilding Sustainable Communities after Disasters in China: Best Practices and Lessons Learned, A special session on 3/11 disaster and its rescue and post-disaster rebuilding in Japan 2012)
  • Report versus rapport talk in the aftermath of the Japanese Earthquake: How did the Prime Minister and Emperor speak to the population?
    (The 2nd International Conference on Communication, Cognition and Media: Political and Economic Discourse 2012)
  • 公的言語と私的言語
    (龍谷大学政策学部FD講演 2011)
  • Power and solidarity in political language: Ozawa and Kan in 2010 DPJ presidential campaign
    (First Round Table on Communicative Competence Reconsidered 2011)
Works (1):
  • 選挙演説
    2013 -
Education (3):
  • - 1991 [USA] University of Texas at Austin
  • - 1987 [USA] University of Utah Linguistics program Linguitics
  • - 1978 Waseda University
Professional career (2):
  • M.A. in Linguistics (University of Utah)
  • Ph.D. in Linguistics(言語学博士) (University of Texas at Austin(テキサス大学オースチン校))
Work history (1):
  • Ritsumeikan University Graduate School of Language Education and Information Science Professor
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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