Eriko Ikeya. Institutes of Child Education and Child Care in the United Kingdom : Field Survey at London. Bulletin of Kochi National College of Technology. 2011. 56. 17-30
Eriko Ikeya. Study of Supports for Pregnancy and Childcare in the United Kingdom Compared with Japan. Otyanimizu Geography. 2010. 50. 63-79
A study comparing women returning to work in the United Kingdom and Japan after World War 2: using the Catalogue of the British Library. 2009. 54. 13-28
Background and Cause of Low Fertility of Japan Compared with the United Kingdom
(International Geographical Union Regional Conference, Krakow, Poland 18-22 August 2014 2014)
Background and Improvement Points of Low Birth Rate in Japan
(International Geographical Union 2013 Kyoto Regional Conference 2013)
Background of Decreasing Fertility Rate in Japan Compared with the United Kingdom
(International Geographical Union Conference 2012 Cologne 2012)
Decreasing Birthrates and Social Policy in Japan
(International Conference. New Debates on Gender, Migration and Development 2011)
Regional Difference of Falling Birthrate
(International Geographical Union Regional Coference 2010 2010)