J-GLOBAL ID:200901080640470099   Update date: Jun. 25, 2024

Machino Kazuo

マチノ カズオ | Machino Kazuo
Affiliation and department:
Job title: President
Other affiliations (1):
  • Hokkaido Musashi Women's Junior College  President
Research field  (1): Theoretical economics
Research keywords  (6): 規範 ,  ゲーム理論 ,  集合的意思決定 ,  norms ,  game theory ,  collective decision making
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (6):
  • 2011 - 2011 規範形成の超長期進化ゲームモデルの開発
  • 2007 - 2009 社会規範のネットワーク-ゲーム・モデル
  • 2004 - 2006 倫理的規範形成メカニズムの解明とその社会的評価基準への応用
  • 2000 - 2001 協力ゲームを含む政策決定過程モデルの開発
  • 1998 - 1999 限定合理的プレーヤーによる政策決定過程のゲーム理論的モデルの開発
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Papers (13):
  • João Romão, Mayumi Okada, Kazuo Machino, Peter Nijkamp. Destination management and sustainable development through the common lens of the Commons. REGION. 2021. 8. 1. 75-95
  • 町野和夫. 証拠に基づく政策立案(EPBM)と「豊かさ指標」. 年報 公共政策学. 2020. 14. 59-75
  • João Romão, Kazuo Machino, Peter Nijkamp. Integrative diversification of wellness tourism services in rural areas-an operational framework model applied to east Hokkaido (Japan). Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 2018. 23. 7. 734-746
  • João Romão, Kazuo Machino, Peter Nijkamp. Assessment of wellness tourism development in Hokkaido: a multicriteria and strategic choice analysis. Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science. 2017. 1. 1. 265-290
  • MACHINO Kazuo. Measuring Social Changes using Subjective Data. Social Capital and Development Trends in Rural Areas. 2016. 11. 157-183
MISC (19):
  • What is the Affluence of Regions? : Reflection of Multifaceted Value in Policy. 2014. 3. 59-61
  • Machino Kazuo. Rethinking Japan's Energy Policy Post 3.11. The annals of Research Center for Economic and Business Networks. 2012. 1. 121-126
  • Machino Kazuo. Dedication by Dean Prof.Kazuo Machino(In honor of Prof.Hiromitsu Kojima). The economic studies. 2009. 59. 3. vii-viii
  • Machino kazuo. Dedication by Dean Prof. Kazuo Machino (In honor of Prof.Takao Sasaki). The economic studies. 2008. 58. 3. v-iv
  • Machino Kazuo. The Science of Networks and Network-Formation Games (In honor of Prof. Hiroshi Ono). The economic studies. 2007. 56. 3. 53-63
Books (3):
  • ポストコロナ時代 北海道の小規模地域観光の可能性
    一般財団法人 北海道開発協会 2024
  • ミクロ経済学・入門(新版) -ビジネスと政策を読みとくー
    有斐閣 2015 ISBN:9784641123397
  • 韓国・台湾の機械産業の現状と国際分業の新展開(共著)
    機械振興協会経済研究所 1987
Lectures and oral presentations  (8):
  • 経済学における人間像の変遷 ~アダム・スミスへの現代的回帰~
    (令和3 年度 「武蔵教養セミナー」公開講座 2021)
  • Roles of Subjective and Objective Indicators for Evidence-Based Policy Making
    (The 1st Social Capital and Development Trends of Countryside in Knowledge Society, Bali, INDONESIA 2019)
  • How can local cities stop population decline? - Hints from Hokkaido
    (The 20th Yonsei-Hokkaido Joint Seminar 2018)
  • An analysis on the relationship between the central city and its surrounding area
    (The 15th Workshop on Social Capital and Development Trends in the Japanese and Swedish Countryside 2018)
  • What makes local cities attractive?: Analysis on migration data on five cities in Hokkaido
    (The 13th Workshop on Social Capital and Development Trends in the Japanese and Swedish Countryside 2016)
Education (2):
  • - 1980 Kyoto University Faculty of Economics
  • - 1980 Kyoto University Faculty of Economics
Committee career (5):
  • 2012/06 - 現在 公立大学法人札幌市立大学 経営審議会委員
  • 2018/06 - 2024/03 札幌市 さつぽろ未来創生プラン推進有識者会議 座長
  • 2015 - 2021/03 札幌市 公共事業評価検討委員会 委員
  • 2018 - 2019 北海道 北海道における特定複合観光施設に関する有識者懇談会 構成員
  • 2014 - 2019 北海道経済局北海道観光審議会 会長
Association Membership(s) (3):
American Economic Association ,  北海道経済学会 ,  日本経済学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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