J-GLOBAL ID:200901081284783261
Update date: Sep. 23, 2022
Suzuki Hiroyuki
スズキ ヒロユキ | Suzuki Hiroyuki
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Art history
Research keywords (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
MISC (37):
「展示批評 企画展示「よみがえれ! シーボルトの日本博物館」シーボルトの玉手箱」. 『歴博』. 2016. 199. 30-30
“How was ‘Japanese Art History’ Formed? Referring to Some Outcomes of the Comparative Study of Nineteenth-Century Japan, Europe, and the United States”. Study on the Historical Process of Forming “Japanese Art History” Through the Comparison of Nineteenth-Century Japan, Europe, and the United States. 2015. 7-18
"Exhibition Review: Kano Sanraku and Sansetsu". The Bijutsu Kekyu: The Journal of Art Studies. 2014. 412. 30-36
"Pre-history of "bijutsu": By the year 1872," chapter I. Histories of Modern and Contemporary Japan through Art: Institutions, Discourse, Practice. 2014. 33-58
"From _Koki-kyu:butsu_ (Ancient Vessels and Old Things) to _Bijutsu_ (Fine Arts): Public Exhibitions in the Meiji Era and Relics of the Past". _Bijutsu Forum 21_. 2013. 28. 42-46
Books (3):
中央公論美術出版(東京) 2016 ISBN:9784805507476
東京:至文堂 2007 ISBN:9784784334919
19th-Century Antiquarians: The Archaeology of Object during the Period of Late Edo and Early Meiji
Tokyo: Yoshikawa Kobunkan 2003 ISBN:464203756X
Lectures and oral presentations (25):
“A Pair of Camels of 1821: Visual Image and Discourse in the Late Edo Period”
"'Bijutsu' and 'Kogei' of Modern and Pre-Modern Times: Conditions of Forming Genres of Art"
"The Beginning of Japanese Art History and the Course of Its Formation in the Meiji Era"
"Image-Reading of Tohaku's Works in His Middle-Age: Reviewing History of Study"
"Ninagawa Noritane and Antiquarians in the Early Meiji Period"
Works (1):
Education (2):
- - 1979 東京大学大学院 人文科学研究科 美術史
- - 1977 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Letters
Professional career (1):
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