J-GLOBAL ID:200901081450804744
Update date: Sep. 12, 2022
Fuke Shinya
フケ シンヤ | Fuke Shinya
Research field (1):
Food sciences
Research keywords (2):
, 食品の味と成分との関係
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 食品学
- Umami derived from protein degaradation products
- Relation between highmolecular component in Fish extract and taste or freshness
- Taste-active components in seafood
MISC (38):
福家眞也. 食品の味と酸味物質とpHの関係. アクアネット. 2007. 10. 3. 39
Food Life. zen-eiren publ. com. 2005. 99. 12. 30-34
K. S. Lwin, Shinya Fuke. マダイのエキスの味に影響を与えるタンパク質の役割. 2002. 68. suppl.II. 1401
Khin Saw Lwin, Shinya Fuke. Role of proteins in the taste of red sea bream extract. Fisheries Science. 2002. 68. suppl.II. 1398-1401
Bone Marrow の呈味成分について. (財)日本食肉消費総合センター. 2000. /,177-197
Books (30):
全衛連「食生活」出版局(東京) 2005
(財)味の素 食の文化センター(東京) 2005
Why the Japanese has been eaten Katsuwobushi ?
Ajinomoto Center of Food Culture 2005
恒星社厚生閣(東京) 2004
Evaluation for Fish Quality by muscle protein and extracts
Works (7):
Taste components in dried skipjack
2001 -
Taste Effect of Seawater on oyster
2001 -
Basic Research on Quality controll of marine food
2000 -
1991 -
Taste-active Components in Foods.
1991 -
Education (2):
- - 1973 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Agricultural Science
- - 1968 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Agriculture
Professional career (1):
- Doctor of Agriculture (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (4):
- 1983 - 1994 Tokyo GAKUGEI UNIV. Fac. of Edu. associate Prof.
- 1994 - - Tokyo GAKUGEI UNIV. Fac. of Edu. Prof.
- 1977 - 1983 Research assistant in Tokyo UNIVERSITY, Faculty of Agric.
- 1974 - 1976 Fisheries and MARINE Service, Vancouver
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