J-GLOBAL ID:200901081527031255
Update date: Sep. 24, 2022
Tatsumi Shinji
タツミ シンジ | Tatsumi Shinji
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Affiliation and department:
Kindai University Faculty of Medicine
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Detailed information
Job title:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Forensic medicine
Research keywords (2):
, Legal Medicine
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
Estimation of Age from Human Epidermis on a Image Processing
Estimation of Age from Soft X-ray Findings of Japanese Thyreoideal Cartilages
Papers (10):
Estimation of age from image processing of soft-Xray findings in Jananese female ribs. Acta Med Kinki University. 2005. 30. 2. 77-83
Estimation of from image processing of soft-Xray findings in Japanese male ribs. Acta Medica Kinki University. 2005. 30. 2. 59-66
Influence of Glicose and Inflammatory Cytokines on TGF-β1 and CTGF Expressions in Human Peritoneal Mesothelial Cells. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE. 2005. 15. 907-911
Toshihide Naganuma, Junji Uchida, Kenji Tsuchida, Yoshiaki Takemoto, Shenji Tatsumi, Kazunobu Sugimura, Tatsuya Nakatani. Silent cerebral infarction predicts vascular events in hemodialysis patients. Kidney International. 2005. 67. 6. 2434-2439
Changes in Human Liver Weight in Forensic Autopsy Casea between 1962 and 2003. The Research and Practice in Forensic Medicune. 2004. 47. 229-236
MISC (30):
Shinji Tatsumi, Hiroshi Noda, Shizuyuki Sugiyama. An autopsy case of a charred body which committed suicide after arson. Legal Medicine. 2000. 2. 2. 110-114
Shinji Tatsumi, Hiroshi Noda, Shizuyuki Sugiyama. Estimation of age by epidermal image processing. Legal Medicine. 1999. 1. 4. 226-230
Shinji Tatsumi, Masahide Yasui, Masayuki Oe, Shizuyuki Sugiyama. Presumption of a suspect based on the skin fragment attached the rope. Legal Medicine. 1999. 1. 3. 165-169
近畿大学医学部法医学教室の10年間における司法解剖例の統計的観察. 法医学の実際と研究. 1998. 41. 393-401
Statistical Studies of Forensic Autopsy Cases during Recent 10 Years(1987-1996)in the Departement of Legal Medicine, Kinki University School of Medicine. Res. Pract. Forens. Med. 1998. 41. 393-401
Books (1):
Handbook of Inspection
Lectures and oral presentations (66):
Postmortem lividity and rigidity
Postmortem rigidity
Postmortem lividity・hypostasis
Examination of 5cruel incidents arising under Osaka prefecture
Estimation of age from image processing of soft-Xray findings in Japanese ribs
Education (2):
- 1980 Kindai University Faculty of Medicine Department of Medicine
- 1980 Kinki University Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (1):
Committee career (1):
2001 - 日本法医学会 評議員
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本犯罪学会
, 近畿大学医学会
, 日本法医学会
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