J-GLOBAL ID:200901081803394944   Update date: Jul. 29, 2024

Kato Hiroaki

カトウ ヒロアキ | Kato Hiroaki
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Homepage URL  (1): http://www.pharm.kyoto-u.ac.jp/kato/index.html
Research field  (4): Biophysics ,  Structural biochemistry ,  Pharmaceuticals - analytical and physicochemistry ,  Applied biochemistry
Research keywords  (4): Basic medical sciences ,  Structural pharmacology ,  Structural Biology ,  Stractural Biology
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (55):
  • 2024 - 2027 Structural basis of diversed and dynamic substrate recognition mechanism of multidrug transporter by chemical trapping
  • 2021 - 2023 Structural biology studies on the effect of phospholipid contents for multi-drug transporters
  • 2020 - 2023 Structural basis for alternating access mechanism of ABC multi-drug pump in lipid membrane
  • 2019 - 2021 Structural basis for discrimination between multi-drug exporters and lipid floppies
  • 2017 - 2020 Mechanism of contraction and backflow prevention by check valves in ABC transporter pump
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Papers (140):
  • Sorachi Miwa, Hiroshi Takikawa, Rina Takeuchi, Ryo Mizunuma, Keita Matsuoka, Haruo Ogawa, Hiroaki Kato, Kiyosei Takasu. Structure-ATPase Activity Relationship of Rhodamine Derivatives as Potent Inhibitors of P-Glycoprotein CmABCB1. ACS medicinal chemistry letters. 2024. 15. 2. 287-293
  • Hiroaki Kato. [The First 5-year Integrated Doctoral Program Exploring the Frontiers of Pharmaceutical Sciences]. Yakugaku zasshi : Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. 2023. 143. 10. 827-834
  • Yoshiki Inoue, Tomohiro Yamaguchi, Tetsuo Otsuka, Yuto Utsunomiya, Dongqing Pan, Haruo Ogawa, Hiroaki Kato. Structure-based alteration of tryptophan residues of the multidrug transporter CmABCB1 to assess substrate binding using fluorescence spectroscopy. Protein Science. 2022. 31. 6. e4331
  • Dongqing Pan, Ryo Oyama, Tomomi Sato, Takanori Nakane, Ryo Mizunuma, Keita Matsuoka, Yasumasa Joti, Kensuke Tono, Eriko Nango, So Iwata, et al. Crystal structure of CmABCB1 multi-drug exporter in lipidic mesophase revealed by LCP-SFX. IUCrJ. 2022. 9. 1. 134-145
  • Keita Matsuoka, Toru Nakatsu, Hiroaki Kato. The crystal structure of the CmABCB1 G132V mutant, which favors the outward-facing state, reveals the mechanism of the pivotal joint between TM1 and TM3. Protein Science. 2021. 30. 5. 1064-1071
MISC (290):
  • 加藤 博章. 物理系薬学部会:薬学の基礎から応用までを網羅する科学研究コミュニティ. ファルマシア. 2023. 59. 4. 282-284
  • 大鳥祐矢, 加藤博章, 加藤博章, 小川治夫. 心筋型リアノジン受容体の構造解析-カフェインによる活性化機構の解明に向けて. 次世代を担う若手のためのフィジカル・ファーマフォーラム講演要旨集. 2023. 20th
  • 中津亨, 田中義明, 加藤博章. X-ray Crystallographic Analysis of Luciferase:oxyakalumine:AMP Complex. SPring-8/SACLA利用研究成果集(Web). 2023. 11. 5
  • 近藤瞳, 児玉昌美, 加藤博章, 加藤博章, 小川治夫. クライオ電顕による一回膜貫通型受容体NPR-Bの機能構造解析. 生体膜と薬物の相互作用シンポジウム講演要旨集. 2023. 44th
  • 相良優介, 水沼諒, 小川治夫, 加藤博章, 加藤博章. Drug-binding affinity of ABC transporter in phospholipid bilayer or detergent micelle. 日本薬学会年会要旨集(Web). 2023. 143rd
Patents (1):
Books (10):
  • Peroxisomes: Biogenesis, function, and role in human disease
    Springer Nature Singapore 2019 ISBN:9789811511684
  • Works of researchers who invent medicines
  • 日本薬学会編物理系薬学III.機器分析・構造決定
    東京化学同人 2016
  • ナノバイオ技術と最新創薬応用研究 (橋田 充, 佐治英郎 編)
    遺伝子医学MOOK 2012
  • 現代生物科学入門3構造機能生物学「時計制御構造生物学」
    岩波書店 2011
Lectures and oral presentations  (17):
  • X-Ray Structures of CmABCB1 in outward- and inward-facing states reveal a conformational exchange allowing the efflux of multi drug
    (7th FEBS Special Meeting on ATP-Binding Cassette (ABC) Proteins: From Multidrug Resistance to Genetic Diseases 2018)
  • Recognition mechanism of the second peroxisomal targeting signal, PTS2 by its receptor complex Pex7p and Pex21p
    (Consortium of Biological Sciences 2017 (ConBio2017) 2017)
  • How ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporter harnesses the energy of ATP binding and hydrolysis to multi drug export
    (The 55th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan 2017)
  • P糖タンパク質のメカニズムから薬物動態の分子構造基盤をさぐる
    (フォーラム富山「創薬」第45回研究会 2017)
  • Recognition mechanism of the second peroxisomal targeting signal, PTS2 by its receptor complex Pex7p and Pex21p
    (2nd International Conference "Peroxisome Function, Function and Metabolism" 2016)
Works (12):
  • 第三世代シンクロトン放射光を用いた酵素の極限状態X線結晶構造解析
    2001 - 2003
  • 新たな膜輸送機構の分子基盤
    2003 -
  • 生理活性糖鎖の構造的基盤と高次生命機能の制御
    2003 -
  • 藍色細菌の生物時計装置の原子レベルでの解明
    2003 -
  • 超高分解能X線構造解析に基づくエンドポリガラツクロナーゼの反応機構の解明
    2003 -
Education (3):
  • 1985 - 1988 Kyoto University Graduate School of Agriculture
  • 1983 - 1985 Yamagata University Graduate School of Agricultual Sciences-Masters Program
  • 1979 - 1983 Yamagata University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Chemistry
Professional career (2):
  • Doctor of Agriculture (Kyoto University)
  • Master of Agriculture (Yamagata University)
Work history (6):
  • 2002/04 - 現在 京都大学大学院薬学研究科、教授
  • 2002/04 - 2006/03 チームリーダーを兼任
  • 1999/10 - 2006/03 理化学研究所・速度論的結晶学研究チーム・チームリーダー
  • 1989 - 1999/09 同大学文部教官 助手
  • 1988/05 - 1989/02 Kyoto University Institute for Chemical Research
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Awards (1):
  • 1994 - 日本農芸化学会奨励賞受賞
Association Membership(s) (3):
日本薬学会 ,  日本生物物理学会会員 日本蛋白質科学会会員 ,  日本結晶学会会員 日本分子生物学会会員 日本農芸化学会会員
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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