Research field (3):
Control and systems engineering
, Communication and network engineering
, Library/information science, humanistic/social informatics
Research keywords (6):
, ヒューマンインタフエース
, 信号処理
, Signal Processing on Human Imagery
, Human Interface
, Signal Processing
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Study on Quality Enhancement and Estomation Processing on Human Imagery
Study on Architecture Implementation for Available Signal Processing
Study on Digital Signal Processing for Audio and Images.
Consider ation of the Artifacts in a Cerebral Vascular Audiospectro scopy(CeVASS)using Spectral and Cross-Spectral Analysis. Proceedings of ITC-CSCC 2000. 2000. 1. 221-224
Phase Characteristics of approximated HRTF using IIR Filters. Proceedings of ITC-CSCC 2000. 2000. 1. 237-240