J-GLOBAL ID:200901082244530081   Update date: Jan. 17, 2024

Sato Hiromi

サトウ ヒロミ | Sato Hiromi
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (5): Hygiene and public health (non-laboratory) ,  Hygiene and public health (laboratory) ,  Healthcare management, medical sociology ,  Environmental policy and society ,  Environmental impact assessment
Research keywords  (6): 環境学 ,  衛生学・食品衛生 ,  公衆衛生 ,  ECOLOGY ,  HIGIENICS FOOD HYGENIC SOCIETY ,  PUBLIC HEALTH
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (6):
  • ミネラルウォ-タ-類のラベル表示の考察-国産ミネラルウォーターと外国産ミネラルウォーターの水質及び衛生面に関する表示の比較-
  • 飲料水選択に関する一考察
  • 飲料水の水質
  • A Hygienical Study of Label Indications for Mineral Water -Comparison of the Label Indications on water Quality and Hygenical Aspect between Native and Imported Mineral Water-
  • A Study of the Selection of Drinking Water
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MISC (32):
  • 水神のルーツと生活文化II -若狭から奈良へ、お水送り神事・お水取り神事の周辺から-. 生活科学研究第26集. 2003. 121-136
  • An Origin of the God of Water and the Japanese Culture in its Life-style PartII: An investigation of the relation between the Omizu-okuri religious ceremony in Wakasa,and the Omizu-tori religious ceremony in Nara BULLETIN OF LIVING SCIENCE No.26 (Bullet・・・. BULLETIN OF LIVING SCIENCE No.26. 2003. 121-137
  • 水神のルーツと生活文化 -貴船と阿蘇の水神探訪からー. 生活科学研究第23集. 2001. 91-104
  • An Origin of the God of Water and the japanese Culture in its Life-style:An investigation of the god of water at Kifune Shrine and Aso Shrine. BULLETIN OF LIVING SCIENCE No.23. 2001. 91-104
  • 市販ミネラルウォーターの水質ダイヤグラム-ラベル表示における水質組成の図形化への試み-. 生活科学研究 第21集. 1999. 21. 73
Education (2):
  • - 1969 Bunkyo University
  • - 1969 Bunkyo University Faculty of Home Economics
Association Membership(s) (3):
日本民族衛生学会 ,  日本公衆衛生学会 ,  日本食品衛生学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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