Shuichi Kajitani, Ryouihi Inoue, Masaki Kato, Hisaharu Tkeuchi, Masahiro Tamaki. An effect of lubricant type and impurity in the fuel DME on the wear of needle tip of the injector. XVIII International Symposium on Alcohole Fuels, 09th-12the March, 2010 pp92-99. 2010
Atsushi Shimada, Takao Ishikawa, Shuichi Kajitani. Improvement of thermal efficiency using fuel reforming in SI engine. SAE2010-01-0584. 2010
Shuichi Kajitani. New Concept Engines to use DME as a Fuel for the High Thermal Efficiency. DME 4. 2010
Shuichi Kajitani, Ryouihi Inoue, Masaki Kato, Hisaharu Tkeuchi, Masahiro Tamaki. An effect of lubricant type and impurity in the fuel DME on the wear of needle tip of the injector. XVIII International Symposium on Alcohole Fuels, 09th-12the March, 2010 pp92-99. 2010
Ibaraki University College of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering Professor Emeritus,Department of Mechanical Engineering,Domain Chairpersons of Mechanical Engineering,Faculty of Enginnering,Department of Major in Mechanical Engineering,Master's Program of the Graduate School of Science and
-:茨城大学 教授
-:茨城大学 助教授
-:茨城大学 講師
-:北海道大学 助手
Committee career (3):
2007/03 - 日本機械学会 日本機械学会 関東支部 商議員
2006/04 - 日本機械学会 日本機械学会 エンジンシステム部門 講習会委員長
2003/04 - 日本機械学会 日本自動車技術会 次世代燃料潤滑油委員会委員
Association Membership(s) (7):
, 日本自動車技術会
, Soceity of Automotive Engineer
, 日本燃焼学会
, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering
, Japan Society of Automotive Engineer
, Soceity of Automotive Engineer