J-GLOBAL ID:200901083977393206
Update date: Jul. 06, 2010
Takabatake Yasuyo
タカバタケ ヤスヨ | Takabatake Yasuyo
Affiliation and department:
Research field (2):
Basic nursing
, Sociology
Research keywords (1):
MISC (8):
福祉専攻科生の介護実習について-実習指導の効果と課題. 瀬戸内短期大学紀要. 2000. 31, 33-39
Licensed care-Jiver Training of Welfare majors in the Non-degree Graduate Program at Setouchi Junior College -Effectiveness of and Issues in Practice Training. 2000. 31, 33-39
福祉專攻科生の介護実習について-施設評価と自已評価からの検討-. 瀬戸内短期大学紀要. 1999. 30. 43-51
Licensed Caregiver Training of Welfare Majors in the Non-degree Graduate Program at Setouchi Junior College-investigation from institution and self evaluation standpoint-. 1999. 30. 43-51
学生の精神衛生に関する研究. 瀬戸内短期大学紀要. 1998. 28. 37-43
Association Membership(s) (1):
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