J-GLOBAL ID:200901084522936496
Update date: Jan. 26, 2006
Hayashi Hisako
ハヤシ ヒサコ | Hayashi Hisako
Affiliation and department:
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
MISC (78):
Vitamin D-Deficient rickets in A young Child With Fish Allergy. ALLERGY. 2003. 52. 6. 530-533
A Study on Stractic Theory of Recipy & Menu. The Annual Report of Research of Aich College. 2003. 32, 1-15
ビタミンD欠乏性くる病を来した魚肉アレルギーの1幼児例. アレルギー. 2003. 52. 6. 530-533
献立論構築のための一試案. 愛知江南短期大学紀要. 2003. 32, 1-15
Vitamin D-Deficient rickets in A young Child With Fish Allergy. ALLERGY. 2003. 52. 6. 530-533
Books (15):
Administration of Food Service Management
Aichi Shuppan 2003
愛知出版 2003
Administration of Food Service Management
Aichi Shuppan 2003
第一出版 2001
Children Diet and Allergy
Daichishupan 2001
Awards (1):
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 日本アレルギー学会
, 調理科学学会
, 公衆衛生学会
, 小児保健学会
, 日本栄養改善学会
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