J-GLOBAL ID:200901084674907661
Update date: Dec. 04, 2005
Yoshikawa Hisakazu
ヨシカワ ヒサカズ | Yoshikawa Hisakazu
Affiliation and department:
Research field (4):
Social welfare
, Public law
, Environmental policy and society
, Environmental impact assessment
Research keywords (6):
, 環境保全
, 公法学
, Community Welfare
, Environmental Preservation
, Public Law
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
- 環境法
- 憲法判例
- 社会福祉
- Environmental Law
- Constitutional Precedents
- Social welfare
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MISC (18):
税制・財政改革と地域福祉. 大阪城南女子研究紀要. 2004. 38巻 45p-78p
Tax and Finance Reform Concerning community Welfare. Bulletin of the Osaka Jonan Women's Junior College. 2004. 38 45p-78p
コア・コンピタンス経営に関する一考察. 大阪城南女子短期大学 研究紀要. 2001. 35. 15
An Essey on Core Competence Management. Bulletin of the Osaka Jonan Women's Junior College. 2001. 35. 15
地方自治の本旨をめぐる条例の合憲性. 大阪城南女子短期大学研究紀要. 1998. 33. 63
Books (5):
晃洋書房 2002
Introduction to Constitutional Law
Koyoshobo publishing Company 2002
大阪教育図書 1994
大阪教育図書 1991
晃洋書房 1987
Education (5):
- - 2003 Osaka University of Commerce Graduate School of Regional Policy Studies
- - 1971 Kansai University
- - 1971 Kansai University Graduate School, Division of Law
- - 1968 Kansai University Faculty of Law
- - 1968 Kansai University Faculty of Law
Professional career (2):
Association Membership(s) (2):
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