Research keywords (10):
, 国際比較統計
, 生活時間
, 労働時間
, 労働統計
, 経済統計学
, 統計学
, quality on statsitcs
, time use
, working time
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
2018 - 2021 Impacts of the Sharing Economy on Life-Style and Transformation towards Sustainable Society
2012 - 2016 The change of the lifestyle and cross-national comparison reflected in the use of time over 40 years
2010 - 2014 International comparative studies on structure and functions of the archiving system of official statistical data
2004 - 2007 Ascertaining the Actual State of "New Housework Labor" Based on Time Use Survey and the Development of Methods for the Social Evaluation of Unpaid Work
2005 - 2006 Toward Further Development of Gender Statistics: Development of the Theory, Regional Gender Statistics in Japan, and Asian and International Gender Statistics.
2004 - 2006 小規模パネル調査による雇用労働者夫妻の生活時間研究
2004 - quality on statistics
1995 - statistical analysis on working time and time use
- 2003 Hosei University Graduate School of Social Sciences
- 1995 Hosei University
Professional career (1):
Ph.D. (Economics) (Hosei University)
Work history (2):
2003/04 - 現在 Hokkai-Gakuen University Faculty of Economics
1997 - 1998 法政大学大原社会問題研究所 兼任研究員
Awards (1):
2007 - 経済統計学会研究奨励賞
Association Membership(s) (11):
, 国際生活時間学会
, 日本家政学会
, 社会政策学会
, 国際統計協会 政府統計部門
, 日本統計学会
, 経済統計学会
, International Asociation for Time Use Research
, International Statistical Institute (IAOS)
, 過労死防止学会
, 女性労働問題研究会