J-GLOBAL ID:200901085011202652   Update date: Jan. 31, 2024

Segawa Masahisa

セガワ マサヒサ | Segawa Masahisa
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Other affiliations (1):
  • Tohoku University  大学院環境科学研究科教授
Homepage URL  (2): http://db.tohoku.ac.jp/whois/detail/9d059eb932976bb3ad5cc53801519c04.htmlhttp://db.tohoku.ac.jp/whois/e_detail/9d059eb932976bb3ad5cc53801519c04.html
Research field  (1): Cultural anthropology and folklore
Research keywords  (5): Chinese lineage ,  local traditions ,  south China ,  ethnicity ,  kinship
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (25):
  • 1997 - 現在 Anthropological Study of Chinese Nationalities
  • 1986 - 現在 Ethnicity of Han-Chinese in South China
  • 1982 - 現在 Anthropological Study of Chinese Lineage organization
  • 2018 - 2021 A study on the historical consciousness of Chinese through the analysis of the genealogies' compilation
  • 2012 - 2015 Social change in contemporary China and the shift of research paradigm :from a view point of lineage
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Papers (65):
  • SEGAWA MASAHISA. Image of the Family looked through a Written Genealogy: Changes in the Shape of Jia unit in “W” Lineage of Sha Tin, the New Territories of Hong Kong. Northeast Asian Studies. 2020. 24. 1-50
  • SEGAWA MASAHISA. Desire for the Continuity: a Research on the Chinese Genealogical Concepts through the Analysis of a Written Genealogy of “W” Lineage in Sha Tin, the New Territories of Hong Kong. Northeast Asian Studies. 2019. 23. 1-40
  • Masahisa Segawa. Feeding the dead, eating with the dead: approved and refused relatedness in rituals in the New Territories of Hong Kong. Anthropological Studies on Food, edited by Ryoko SAKURADA et als. 2017. 24-45
  • masahisa Segawa. Hakka and Teochew: Subethnicity of Hong Kong Chinese. 60 Chapters to know Hong Kong. 2016. 211-215
  • Masahisa Segawa. Written Genealogies as Culture Resource and their Manipulation in Contemporary China. Ethnic Culture Resouce and Politics: through the Analysis of South China. 2016. 403-430
MISC (14):
  • 瀬川 昌久. 海にむかった華南の人びと (特集 鄭和の足跡をたどる--海からみたアジア) -- (港湾都市の過去と現在). 季刊民族学. 2010. 34. 3. 40-43
  • 瀬川 昌久. ローカルな研究の先に何を見据えるか--地域研究からのアプローチ (特集 地域・環境・情報 新しい学知の創生). シーダー. 2009. 24-27
  • Masahisa Segawa, Haruhiko Nishizawa, Junko Iguchi, Toshihiro Ueno, Min Han, Takashi Kuroiwa, Zhaoxiong Qin, Lili Nie, Jianzhao Ma, Hang Qian, et al. Knowing China: 48 keywords to understand its society and culture. Quartery Journal of Ethnology. 2006. 115. 1. 3-74
  • 瀬川 昌久. 末成道男著『ベトナムの祖先祭祀--潮曲の社会生活』. 民族学研究. 1999. 64. 3. 373-377
  • 瀬川 昌久. 香港文化の100年. 季刊民族学. 1997. 21. 3. 98-109
Books (33):
  • Parasol Tree in Autumn: Memories of my Forty Years as a Researcher
    Fukyosha 2023 ISBN:9784894893276
  • Huanan: Diversity and Ethnicity of Guangdong and Hainan, South China
    Fukyosha 2022 ISBN:9784894893269
  • Under the Ancestors' Glory: A Retrospect and Prospect on Chinese Lineage Studies
    Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University (CNEAS Monograph 71) 2022 ISBN:9784908203282
  • Ancestral Genealogies in Modern China: A Study of Lineage Organizations in Hong Kong and Mainland China
    Routledge 2022 ISBN:9781032146485
  • 客家 : エスニシティーの形成とその変遷
    風響社 2021 ISBN:9784894893139
Lectures and oral presentations  (4):
  • 内なる他者=周辺民族の自己認識のなかの「中国」
    (東北アジア研究センター設立10周年記念シンポジウム 2007)
  • 漢族・少数民族研究の接合-~クロスオーバー的視点からみる漢族と少数民族の社会と文化
    (愛知大学21世紀COEプログラム 国際中国学研究センター主催公開シンポジウム 2006)
  • 文化資源としての宗族-中国の伝説と系譜
    (科学研究費補助金プロジェクト「明清時代の広東珠江デルタにおける儒教化の潮流と宗族」主催国際研究集会 2006)
  • 広東人の宗族・宗親会活動と現代中国
    (東アジア研究所講座 2006)
Education (3):
  • - 1986 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Sociology 文化人類学
  • - 1983 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Sociology 文化人類学
  • - 1981 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Liberal Arts 教養学科・文化人類学
Professional career (3):
  • 学術博士 (The University of Tokyo)
  • 社会学修士 (The University of Tokyo)
  • 教養学士 (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (8):
  • 2003/04 - 現在 Professor, Graduate School of Environmental Science, Tohoku University
  • 1996/06 - 現在 Professor, Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University
  • 2007/04 - 2009/03 Center for Northeast Asian Studies Director
  • 1996/05 - 2003/03 Professor, Graduate School of International Culture Studies, Tohoku University
  • 1993/04 - 1996/05 Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
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Committee career (3):
  • 1994/04 - 2022/03 Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology (former Japanese Society of Ethnology) councilor(1994-1995、2002-2003、2006-2010、2014-2015、2020-2021)
  • 1994/04 - 2015/03 Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology (former Japanese Society of Ethnology) executive member(1994-1995、2002-2003、2006-2009、2014-2015)
  • 2006/04 - 2008/03 Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology (former Japanese Society of Ethnology) chief editor for book-review
Awards (1):
  • 1995/10 - The Japan Ethnological Foundation Shibusawa Prize
Association Membership(s) (1):
Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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