Dynamic behavior microtubules and vacuoles at M/G1 interface observed in living BY-2 cells.
Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry 53 “Tobacco BY-2 Cells” (Nagata, Hasezawa, Inze Eds) 2004
Dynamic behavior microtubules and vacuoles at M/G1 interface observed in living BY-2 cells.
Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry 53 “Tobacco BY-2 Cells” (Nagata, Hasezawa, Inze Eds) 2004
Spheroplasts-as a tool for gene transfer
Biotechnology (Technomic Pub. ) 1985
Spheroplasts-as a tool for gene transfer
Biotechnology (Technomic Pub. ) 1985
Education (4):
- 1983 The University of Tokyo
- 1983 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Science
- 1978 The University of Tokyo College of Arts and Sciences
- 1978 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Liberal Arts